Europe's Liberation Started With Brexit


Legendary member
June 23rd will go down in history as the beginning of the end of the oppressive and corrupt European Union.

Once again, it was the Brits leading the charge and other countries will follow. :clap:

The idea of this thread is to make a note of important forthcoming events.
We should probably start with the double header set for 2nd Oct 2016.

Austria's courts ruled that the Presidential election should be re-run, after it was found that postal vote rigging had tipped the balance in an incredibly tight contest.

Hungary also goes to the polls on this day with their own referendum,concerning the European Union’s mandatory migrant quotas.
I can't see the EU breaking apart, most politicians love it, while most voters shy away from radical change and economic risk. The levels of oppression and corruption across the EU surely aren't high enough to overcome these things. And why assume that oppressive or corrupt politicians will reform themselves just because their state has left this or that economic union?

I've long thought however it will degenerate into a two-tier membership (northern Europe v southern Europe), but now plus an associate membership of privileged outsiders, the UK being the founder in this group, with other exiteer states to join us.
Merkel should not have decided the immigrant problem on her own. Especially as she has taken an unpopular course. The migrants should be in camps while the Syrian problem is sorted out. They should have signed an agreement to avoid extremist organisations and go home when it is safe.
Merkel's decision was extraordinary and led to more problems. This crisis might take her out of power and hasten the division (but still not break-up) of the EU.

I hope for an economically weaker and more divided Germany so they cannot dominate continental Europe. Brexit will leave that door open to them.
I can't see the EU breaking apart, most politicians love it, while most voters shy away from radical change and economic risk.
Sorry to be pedantic Tom but, if the U.K. referendum result is anything to go by, then most voters embrace it!
Nah, he meant most intelligent voters, Tim :LOL:

Funny thing is, if you ask most remainers why they want to be part of Europe, they really do struggle to give any good reasons.
Any reasons they do give though, can usually be demolished with plenty of hard evidence to back it up.
Funny thing is, if you ask most remainers why they want to be part of Europe, they really do struggle to give any good reasons.
Any reasons they do give though, can usually be demolished with plenty of hard evidence to back it up.

Time will tell, cv, time will tell. The advantages of going (you) or the disadvantages (me) won't show through for years. So far the only sure thing is that my holiday is costing 20% more :devilish:
Time will tell, cv, time will tell. The advantages of going (you) or the disadvantages (me) won't show through for years. So far the only sure thing is that my holiday is costing 20% more :devilish:

There is always holidays at home. Try Torquay.

Time will tell, cv, time will tell. The advantages of going (you) or the disadvantages (me) won't show through for years. So far the only sure thing is that my holiday is costing 20% more :devilish:

Just wait till the dive in GBP works through to the cost of all our imported food and goods.........this is the equivalent of the Phoney War.
Does anybody have confidence in the diplomatic and economic skills of Fox, Davies and Boris?
The EU is going to be a very unyielding negotiator pour encourager les autres.
And as for back-of-the-queue Obama.....let's hope Hillary gets in and has more sense of history and friendship than the Brit hating Obama.
Just wait till the dive in GBP works through to the cost of all our imported food and goods.........this is the equivalent of the Phoney War.
Does anybody have confidence in the diplomatic and economic skills of Fox, Davies and Boris?
The EU is going to be a very unyielding negotiator pour encourager les autres.
And as for back-of-the-queue Obama.....let's hope Hillary gets in and has more sense of history and friendship than the Brit hating Obama.

We fought for them, helped pay for their useless wars and some died for them - our reward for this special relationship is " the back of the queue ". Well thanks a lot !! Never again. And I hope they don't come with the helped you in WW2 crap. Roosevelt , a Jew. was helping fellow Jews, not us. Still are - hence the Middle East fiasco.
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Roosevelt was Episcopalian, not jewish. The US did not enter the war to help Jews. Conspiracy extremist views are unacceptable here in my opinion.
Roosevelt was Episcopalian, not jewish. The US did not enter the war to help Jews. Conspiracy extremist views are unacceptable here in my opinion. [D].htm

Franklin was quoted. I am not doing an anti Jewish bit but just stating the facts as known. No extremism intended.

The British poodle could at least get its facts right. The Japanese attacked at Pearl Harbour and Germany allied to them declared war too. They had helped with outdated destroyers etc. but at a price ! Which we paid off in the 1970s.
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Just wait till the dive in GBP works through to the cost of all our imported food and goods.........this is the equivalent of the Phoney War.
Does anybody have confidence in the diplomatic and economic skills of Fox, Davies and Boris?
The EU is going to be a very unyielding negotiator pour encourager les autres.
And as for back-of-the-queue Obama.....let's hope Hillary gets in and has more sense of history and friendship than the Brit hating Obama.

Looking increasingly likely that Trump will take the Presidency.

Part of a greater wave of anti politics sweeping the globe. Hardly surprising, considering the total mess they have made of things. Blaming the banks for the financial mess back in 2007 was only the start, soon became obvious that the politicians were to blame for their lack of competence in dealing with regulation.

Given that One of the Brexit red lines is controlled migration, I suspect there is no deal to be done with the EU. I recon May's negotiating position will be to circumvent the EU and deal direct with member countries leaders. This would make total sense if Brexit means Brexit. Why bother arguing with people who's agenda is further integration. About time these mandarins understood where the power lies, which is ultimately with the people. They will of course find out in due course, as more and more member countries defy their phoney authority.

All the noises coming out of the rest of the world seem to be possitive. Open for business and ready to do trade deals. Time will tell.

As for imports, it's about time our farmers got back to work producing food instead of being paid to produce nothing. Maintaining hedgerows is all very well, but in economic terms, it's for the birds!
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The problem is not EU, as such. The problem is the world financial system. Each country is, continually, injecting capital, that does not exist, into its monetary system so that you and I can work and earn it.

It has to be be replaced but, what with? It is a mind boggling problem and beyond control, now.

If you believe that the UK can solve it by leaving the EU, Good Luck. But you are deluding yourselves.

You will end up printingand pouring money into the system in the same way as EU, but with less resources, simply to avoid rioting in the streets. At present, those that cannot make ends meet are a minority that can be controlled.

Wait until they become the majority.

Europeans are experiencing an example of that, already. It is called the migrant problem.
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