
Oh, nertz!!! I can't go long 2nd class postage stamps because I just used all my margin to short cat food. But thanks for the tip. :)
I continue to build my position in stamps:LOL:

Wait and see, I'll be stuck with thousands and thousands of the things, unable to get rid, and i'll look like a right plonker.

At least I know a stamp will post a letter in 1, 5 or 10 years time. Can't say the same for the 36p i'm paying for each one today.

Nice call! :)

On the wider stamps matter, what the f*** is wrong with Royal Mail? Are they deliberately trying to put themselves out of business? At our office we're lucky to get our post by 2 in the afternoon. Absolutely useless.

It almost makes one wish that there was some kind of magical way of sending communications for free via a computer. Or that the mail industry could be opened up to competition.

But that will never happen, so Royal Mail can go charging more for a worse service with impunity. :LOL:
Reminds me of years ago when we got a letter from RM saying that our post would be collected in future at approximately 3:13 pm :) Ah, they did work to tight deadlines in those days :LOL:
Although I would like to see this archac behemoth opened up to competition I have to say I am happy with their service. I even get my mail at around 10.30am everyday as of the new year rather than the afternoon.