Spanish elections.


Legendary member
Rajoy's rightwing PP is safely in with, so far, about 179 seats aganst leftwing's PSOE's 109. Still a few to come in.

What will surprise Brits is that the takeover will not be until the New Year. Will the markets wait that long? Under the present circumstances, the sooner the new lot take over, the better.
We could easily see revolution in Greece, Spain, Italy and other nations that are seeing their democracy being usurped by EU bureaucrats in my view. Sooner or later the ordinary citizens of these countries are going to show with great clarity that they will not be subject to non democratic processes in the name of European integration.

We could easily see revolution in Greece, Spain, Italy and other nations that are seeing their democracy being usurped by EU bureaucrats in my view. Sooner or later the ordinary citizens of these countries are going to show with great clarity that they will not be subject to non democratic processes in the name of European integration.


Quite so and it's not a great leap further from what I predicted about govt becoming increasingly irrelevant as the people take control of their own destiny.
Shades of Karl marx are afoot?

I don't know Neil. I think the paths people take will be many and varied. My personal preference would be along the lines of community co-operatives where everyone has a stake and a roll to play regardless of age and ability. Everyone has something to offer, it's just a matter of taking the time to find out what and how to organise the pool.

Things that ought to be killed off are,
Big Govt

Anything that is termed "too big to fail" the dangers of which ought to be patently obvious by now. "Too big to bail out"