Investment Management Certificate (IMC) Unit 1 - syllabus version 8 - course material


Hi everyone,

I have recently completed the IMC exams and am now selling all the study materials you need in order to pass Unit 1 'The Investment Environment'. The books are published by BPP Learning Media and were purchased a couple of months ago (July 2011) directly from BPP as part of their classroom-based course.

The pack contains all the current BPP study material for IMC Unit 1 'The Investment Environment' (syllabus version 8). As of yesterday (1 September 2011) you'll need to know the new tax rates from the 2011 budget, which are available via the IMC website at

The pack includes:

• Study Text (comprehensive tome containing all course information)
• Practice & Revision Kit (lots of questions on each topic plus 4 mock exams)
• Course Slides (slides from the 2-day course, which are annotated with my notes)
• Course Handouts (more questions on each topic)
• Passcards (useful pocket-sized revision tool)
• Review Exercises (even more questions - didn't use this at all)

The course slides are the only piece from this set that has any writing in - all of the rest are in pristine condition!

Having recently studied for and taken the exams, I can confirm what many others have previously said about the importance of doing as many test questions as possible - many of the questions in the exam were pretty much the same, word-for-word, as the questions supplied by BPP.

I will accept £100 and am happy to meet in order to exchange. PM me if you're interested!

Many thanks,
