Socialism sucks


Legendary member
Good to see the socialist Govt being thrown out in Portugal. They made a complete mess of Portugal's economy and have got their just deserts !

The Socialists did the exact same in Spain and ruined their economy too.

Good riddance to the Brown/Blair disaster in Britain .

Why is it the Socialists can't seem to run the economies of any country they get their hands on ? They seem bogged down in 19th century Marxism.

Their propaganda about looking after the poor sounds great until one discovers they have spent/wasted the country's assets with little to show for it. Too many Ministers not at their desks it seems - but playing croquet ( got a fr*gging Peerage for that ), bonking the staff, commiting frauds etc.
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Socialism is all about giving everyone equal opportunities and establishing fairness.

They do this by attempting to drag everyone down to the same low levels of poverty, democracy and oppression. Never has worked, never will.
Someone wrote on PistonHeads that socialism is like a Ponzi scheme - the taxpayers are the mugs in this case.
I suppose Greece had a Socialist government in the not too distant past, by the sound of it


A fat lot of good the Unions protesting - unless the remedies are unfair

As for the violent anarchists - somebody has to clear up after those lunatics have had their dose of riot-fest and the rest pay !!

10000 +

Socialists = scam artists

They blame free economy for the bad they inflict upon people. They rule for a few years, destroy the economy, like Obama is doing now to the US, then when the conservatives come they cannot fix it, then they come back and blame free economy.

These political parties should be banned worldwide as political fraud. They appeal to people who don't want to work and want to get everything from the others in the form of a high tax on their wealth.
Society has gone soft, compare The Sweeney to The Bill. Jack Regan is a proper geeza, here he is making a huge bet on the ftse through Cantors.

View attachment untitled.bmp

"You wot!? An eight point spread!! Don't make me come down the phone for ya!"
Yes Socialism does suck and although it was Blair, Brown and their socialist mates who put the R into "fats", you nevertheless have to remember that it was Cameron, Clegg et al who put the N into "cuts".
Politics is on a par with washing dishes, cleaning the public loos etc. as noone needs any qualifications to be PM or President and it shows.

The world is about to collapse into a financial black hole and plunge everyone into a new dark age and the pollies haven't really grasped there is a crisis - blather blather blather
scr*w the chamber maid, anyone for croquet, give the 3rd world and EU some more billions ?

oh dear !!
Re: Socialism sucks-sometimes

Politics is on a par with washing dishes, cleaning the public loos etc. as noone needs any qualifications to be PM or President and it shows.

The world is about to collapse into a financial black hole and plunge everyone into a new dark age and the pollies haven't really grasped there is a crisis - blather blather blather
scr*w the chamber maid, anyone for croquet, give the 3rd world and EU some more billions ?

oh dear !!

Bring back Tony BENN - he'll banish poverty, inequality, aristocracy and monarchy.(y)
Tony Benn was Viscount Stansgate till he decided he was really a pseudo-communist mouthpiece :)

10000 +

Socialists = scam artists

They blame free economy for the bad they inflict upon people. They rule for a few years, destroy the economy, like Obama is doing now to the US, then when the conservatives come they cannot fix it, then they come back and blame free economy.

These political parties should be banned worldwide as political fraud. They appeal to people who don't want to work and want to get everything from the others in the form of a high tax on their wealth.

I am assuming that Democrats are the socialists, and the Republicans "patriots".
Clinton (D) inherited a budget deficit. He left office, after 2 terms, with a thriving economy and a budget SURPLUS.

Two terms of Bush (R) have squandered the surplus, and dismantled the structure and principles that allowed the surpluses to continue.
Notwithstanding the disastrous foreign policies (there are numerous threads on that), the USA is irredeemably bankrupt, with short-termism that has seen education and healthcare undermined. A healthy and educated nation is a strong nation.
The consequences are coming home to roost, and Obamas attempts to correct Bushs economic failings seen as destruction.

After Bush, I am surprised there is anything left of value for Obama to destroy.

You have got it completely the wrong way around as to who are the builders and who the destroyers.

PS: I am not a socialist, nor a rabid capitalist, but a pragmatist. I believe in good policies wherever they may come from.
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I am assuming that Democrats are the socialists, and the Republicans "patriots".
Clinton (D) inherited a budget deficit. He left office, after 2 terms, with a thriving economy and a budget SURPLUS.

PS: I am not a socialist, nor a rabid capitalist, but a pragmatist. I believe in good policies wherever they may come from.

Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't it under Clinton that the Glass/Steagal Act was rescinded ? This took the reins off the bankers and let them loose to thoroughly mess up the US and world economies.

Agree pragmatism is good if your bottom line is peace and prosperity. Talking of peace - there will be none while the US has its love-in with Israel right or wrong.
Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't it under Clinton that the Glass/Steagal Act was rescinded ? This took the reins off the bankers and let them loose to thoroughly mess up the US and world economies.

Agree pragmatism is good if your bottom line is peace and prosperity. Talking of peace - there will be none while the US has its love-in with Israel right or wrong.

True enough.
Ironically, this unshackling from legislation didn't do the "freedom to trade" lobby any favours, as it showed rampant capitalism is just as flawed a concept, ie, can't be trusted, without some powerful oversight committees.
Hope you have a good day today.