Is university a good experience


Experienced member
I should easily get the grades + more to get into a russel group uni for economics/finance, just pondering here, my 2 sisters said university was brilliant (they went to the same one)....

I'd definately reccommend it, I never regreted a single moment.

There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that trading for a living would not have been possible without the research skills I picked up as a post grad.
cool :), well i'm getting more confident at swingin' at the moment, 3-4 years at university would give me more time at improve as a trader/make some dollar too/get wasted every night
Yes. Go. Absolutely no doubt you should do this. Hare is right - you learn how to learn and if you do some research in some post grad capacity then this becomes significantly augmented.
I wouldn't have missed my university years for anything. I had the time of my life. Go!
as someone who didn't quite fit in in uni (UCL in London) I have to say you still have to go for it. I had an awesome time at college, 24/7 fun and messing around, and uni wasn't socially that great, most of my friends had dropped out by first year and i only had one or two close friends, but I studied a subject i love (until the final year at least), physics, and would not have changed a thing.

I never wanted to do a physics based job, but i loved the subject and studying something to such a level just for the sake of knowledge is one of the most greatest things in the world. Wouldn't give up my physics degree for nout.

just make sure you study a subject you really like, because otherwise you will struggle with the work load.
thinking of doing geology somewhere now lol. Nowhere in NI to do it, will have to go over to scotland or england menthinks
i actually knew someone who was doing geology, he had spent 10 years as an archaeologist, he did initial mathematics courses with me at ucl.

he said he found it quite tough, but then again what uni course is easy.
yeh, supposed to have a combo of maths bio chem and physics, though nothing too serious from what i've heard. Aiming for Leicester uni, ABB to get in, i live in NI so gonna have to live in the halls.

I'm worried a bit because i study myself always in really quiet places,be annoying if i'm stuck with rowdy drunks, or if the library is packed...
Yup best years of my life. My advice would be to study a subject you love. Given the fact that so many graduates find careers unrelated to their degrees later in life it seems pointless to study a degree in the hope it will propel into a related career.
Leicester and Birmingham so far i'm looking at, accomodation in Leicester is supposed to be sheet though, but it's geology department has got lots of awards...
Go for the quality of nightlife over quality of course (within reason). Dont spend your course in a town with a bad reputation for nightlife.
an education is something that no one can ever take away from you. furthering your education is extremely important.
definitely worth going, but make sure you study a subject you enjoy, can't stress that enough (i'm so lucky i enjoy accounting and economics lol)

but bear in mind those who party and drink while at uni in modern times get Cs, it's not like the old days your parents might tell you. (this is from someone who's there now, the people i see talking about that raging party on Saturday are the ones i also see with a sad look on their face when they look at test results)

be prepared to compete day in and day out for the grades that will land you an internship or land you a scholarship for postgrad

i wouldn't call it an experience... the word experience has the wrong connotations, it's hard work for a lot longer than 40 hours a week you'd do at a supermarket. i'd call it a lifestyle

and as i told the 2 students i mentor once a week

bring the pwnage to your exams....LIKE A BOSS

i can't wait until postgrad!
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was thinking about economics, really was but I can't see why i'd ever want to work in a bank.Only reason i'm kind of into economics is because of trading, i can do that myself and I have plans in place to make trading work if i continue as I am, so there's no point in loading up 100% to be a trader. If I fail at trading in other words, i'd be incredibly depressed to work in a bank with markets for the rest of my life.

Going to do geography, downplayed by a lot of people unfortunately, but fact is i don't have a baldy what i want to do after uni as a job, economics is too narrow in that it just leads to markets/banking/business, geography seems to give a broader range of careers, the subject is 10X more interesting than economics, which I find prett boring to be honest....
as i said, do something you enjoy otherwise you won't get through lol

why the hell would you downplay geography... some people are such weeners
gah now i'm pished off because i trade at the new york forex close (10pm uk time) so i don't want to miss that on nights out! According to my sister they didn't go out till 10.30 though, and plus i make maybe 1 trade a week, about 5 a month in total and if i only go out 3 times a week, and know by like 9pm whether a setup occurs or not, which usually happens , i can just go.

What time did y'all go out to party at? By the way i'm seriously considering geography at Queens's Belfast, cos I live in NI lol, and nightlife is supposed to be decent!