Good trading video on iPlayer

OK, so its not really about trading, it's about the morality and decision making in saving 23 week old babies.


look at how much what people want to be true affects their decisions.

aint no different in trading.

(if you are mum or a dad don't flame me for this, I'm making a fair point not saying your baby should die)

And you give Howard Cohonas a hard time with his method ?!

So how is it "aint no different in trading "
And you give Howard Cohonas a hard time with his method ?!

So how is it "aint no different in trading "

Yes I give Howard a hard time for various reasons, just search for his name and read the threads.

Now, as for the second bit, just look at how the people behave (like the couple in the police, or the doctor dad of molly at the very end).

Yes its natural to want to look after your baby and everything, I'm not saying every parent in this video is stupid - far from it. But it does easily highlight how much people can tailor the evidence to support a position that they feel the need to justify.

Look, its part of being human, and prolly aint no more to being human than being a mum or a dad. But htis happens everywhere in life, and can be very bad news in trading.
Yes I give Howard a hard time for various reasons, just search for his name and read the threads.

Now, as for the second bit, just look at how the people behave (like the couple in the police, or the doctor dad of molly at the very end).

Yes its natural to want to look after your baby and everything, I'm not saying every parent in this video is stupid - far from it. But it does easily highlight how much people can tailor the evidence to support a position that they feel the need to justify.

Look, its part of being human, and prolly aint no more to being human than being a mum or a dad. But htis happens everywhere in life, and can be very bad news in trading.

Well if you consider the above nonsense to be relevant in any sense to trading, then you really are a clown...
By the way - the programme is 59 minutes long, so it's quite remarkable that you can make a judgement on its applicability to trading after... 32 mins (cynic in me says you haven't watched it at all - comments after 10 mins??)
By the way - the programme is 59 minutes long, so it's quite remarkable that you can make a judgement on its applicability to trading after... 32 mins (cynic in me says you haven't watched it at all - comments after 10 mins??)

I was responding to your post which apparently was describing how the programme was applicable...

You posted it buddy, and claimed it was relevant to trading.."aint no different to trading"

Well dude, enlighten us all as to how it is relevant..and if you cant, then you are guilty of posting nonsense...and if that is the case then it proves the point that you have no credibility, and are in fact a clown.