FX real time data vendor


Does anybody know a quality vendor for the above? This would enable me to just choose the most cost effecient FX broker for my purposes, and be free of my current broker who I am with simply because they use the Saxo Trader Platform whose charting capabilities I like.
The obvious ones like esignal have come up short, and Reuters doesn't serve retail.
Many Thanks
Hey coreed,

Can you tell me how our Forex service came up short for you? Perhaps there's a simple solution...

Many thanks,
No response

Hey coreed,

Can you tell me how our Forex service came up short for you? Perhaps there's a simple solution...

Many thanks,

Hi Jason. Thanks for your response. The problem has been I have not had any response from esignal apart from an autoresponsder like mail from a form I submitted on your site.
I could not input text on your live chat system. This is not to complain, merely let you know there are some shortcomings in the way potential customers can communicate with esignal. Anyway, I am looking for real time FX data and charting at a cost effective price. Can you let me know, and possibly set up a short free trial?
Many Thanks
Here's our lowest priced eSignal-flavor Forex product:
eSignal OnDemand - Forex

If you need all the contributing banks, we'll need to get you on eSignal Premier. We do offer a 30 day trial so it won't cost you much, if anything, to try our service.

Seems odd that you can't type in our chat windows. What browser do you use? IE and Firefox seem to work just fine. Maybe the fastest way to get you set-up is just to have you call the closest office to you eSignal Central: Contact Us. Only takes a few minutes to set-up by phone.
