Historical Data Sources


Junior member
For some time now I've been interested in trading and lately I've been trying to do some ground work to help me decide which direction I might take, with Forex being one possible path.

In an ideal world I'd like to aquire a significant chunk of historical intraday data (an absolute minimum of 1 year worth of maybe 10 seconds, 5 seconds or tick by tick) and use it to test out potential strategies. It would also be useful to have a charting package to go with this, though as it's only early research I'm not keen to outlay hundreds of dollars or pounds.

Years ago I purchased MetaStock for stocks and a library of historical data for UK equities along with it, but they now seem to have switched to subscription based pricing models. Their Forex package is priced at $179 p/month including a data feed from QuoteCenter. That's way too pricey for my purposes at this stage.

Can anyone make any suggestions?

Perfect! Thank you so much. It seems Alpari is a great resource for where I currently am in terms of research, etc. For anyone else in a similar position, they have extensive historical data and offer a demo account that unlike all the others I have thus far read about does not appear to close down after 30 days.

My sincere thanks once again UM_manager.