Low integrity - Low performance - Deal4Free / CMC Spread Betting

The Baptist

Established member

To all traders using Spread Betting please note the following events and avoid soon to List D4F (changing name i believe to CMC Markets).

I had read a number of posts being less than flattering to the above business, as I already had an account open I pressed on and consoled myself with the fact that bad trades may end up invariably find their brokers to blame, although this never quite explained why D4F appeared so many times relative to others.

I have over the last few months experience a number of consistent anomalies that were adversely in favour that lead me to being especially vigilant.

Essentially on the morning of the 5th of this month my dealer showed me long a certain stock, I have usually got partial and full pending stops which are continually revised, trailed and reduced as positions are partially exited.

Only one old far out of the market stop was pending I cancelled it and manually closed my position after reopening both my executed and pending blotters to ensure no other stops were about or had been acted on. I did this even though my open position blotter was also still showing long, I have been stung on numerous occasions with this.

No other orders were found which was not unusual and I closed the position. Ironically just after doing that I was swung immediately short to an equivalent amount, this in a moving market with defensive spread to pay again to get back square.

This was something that has happened before and certainly not desirable when not intended.

The long and short of it is that CMC would not reset me to square insisting I trade out, I was refused access to a trading floor manager when requested despite the failure of there platform to reflect that two pending orders not retained in any blotter, lost in the abyss were in effect were being considered for activation, and only traded some 15 minutes later from when triggered and a minute or two after I had begun covering. Were they being initiated by the sudden activity by myself one can only wonder?

Stay away from a Low integrity company who do not stand by their platform or their dealers inadequacies or lack of turnaround time at best, at worst be very suspicious of intent. (the market while bearish was no Black Monday)

Prior to this happening and since trialling a market approach over the last 4 months I was up 6% for June - 11.46% for July - 9.46% for August - 29.29% for September. So this is not trade performance bitterness but a definitive feeling of adversarial responses from this broker.

Wishing better for you all.


I once needed to buy a lot of equity in one company and was using CMC to do it. I knew I would not be able to get filled in the entire amount at the market price as it was considerably more than the market size.

I bought about 25,000 shares at say £1.95 and this was confirmed. Their price was still showing say £1.90 to £1.95 in 25,000 and so I tried to buy again but it would not let me.

I rang CMC and asked what the price was in 25,000 and they quoted me the same, £1.90 to £1.95. They agreed to sell to me at £1.95 until they put the ticket in their system when they said I could not buy at that price becuase they had already sold to me at that price. I said this was irrelevant as they wer quite happy to sell to AN Other at this price but they refused to budge.

To this day I don't know if they were breaking FSA guidlines but they assured me the rules of best execution werenot relevant to CFDs. Since that day though I have never traded FX with them either.
Very interesting guys, at least we are learning are lesson even if it be the costly way.

I did not mention while trading out of a substantially profitable position I kept getting requotes on BARC right down to £1 a time bets even on an after hours ADR you should not get an extra 1.5 P taken off on spread.

Who do you use with higher confidence levels? I have heard Capital OK, I see MAN have advertised aggressively and have tight spreads, as a late entrant I intend to give them ago any other possibilities?
I believe a broker doesn't have to accept more than one order for a stock in a day.

I once tried to buy something over market size and got nowhere. I thus went in at market size and got a fill. I then placed another order at market size and didn't get a fill (the brokers dealing system told me I couldn't trade) and the broker immediatly rang me and told me I couldn't do this. I complained like crazy but they wouldn't budge.

This was real shares not CFDs

JonnyT said:
I believe a broker doesn't have to accept more than one order for a stock in a day.

This was real shares not CFDs

Would be very, very surprised if this were the case (in fact, I don't believe it for a moment).
JonnyT said:
I believe a broker doesn't have to accept more than one order for a stock in a day.

I once tried to buy something over market size and got nowhere. I thus went in at market size and got a fill. I then placed another order at market size and didn't get a fill (the brokers dealing system told me I couldn't trade) and the broker immediatly rang me and told me I couldn't do this. I complained like crazy but they wouldn't budge.

This was real shares not CFDs


I think you have been mislead but accept I am no expert.

When I looked into the CFD issue I was told that the broker would be breaking the rules if it was the actual equity due to the best exection rule. However CFDs are not subject to the same rules.

I am sure it is too late for you to worry about but a friend heads up the private client desk at a v large stockbrokers and can check with him if you want me to.