Best Fills in Retail FX?


Established member
I know most folks on T2W are in Europe, yet -> If anyone can comment on best fills at a US FX broker they know of... I'd be interested to hear it.

I trade at IB, i've had no fills on 150k and smaller, which is crazy. Its about 0.05 sec signal speed from me to their servers, supposedly..

the odds are stacked against the retail player, what else is new :|
the odds are stacked against the retail player, what else is new :|

If you play for ticks then maybe. So the way to defeat these problems is to trade longer term. Pull up a daily chart on the Euro or Cable or whatever cross you want. Now, can you see those big moves, 500-1000+ points - why not aim for them, then who cares if your spread is wider than need be or you have to wait till the market is offered in order to buy.

But big stops are needed with those positions I hear someone say?

Sure, but that's not a problem because your position should be small. A small position, say 25p on a spread bet, can still make hundreds of pounds on a good run.

Summary: The markets are far more than the next 30 ticks..........