Tighter spreads + Saxo Trader


I am looking for a FX broker who is a white label partner for the Saxo Trader platform. I really like the platform, but my current broker's (Internaxx) commissions are too high. Most other brokers(e.g. Sucden) spreads are too wide, and they charge $10\side for trades < $100,000.

Anybody's help wld be greatly appreciated

Many Thanks
you and me both... the platform is good too bad it hasn't the connectivity of a ninjatrader or metastock... if you find anything let me know
cor i second that - internaxx's fees are definitely too high - when i tried to get them to lower them they said some bull**** that on the pro side my transactions with them are private yeah right
.... they said some bull**** that on the pro side my transactions with them are private yeah right

which is some big bull****, as luxembourg (and swiss) banking privacy regulations didn`t apply (re taxes) to broker firms (or market makers) and isn`t worth a penny anymore anyway!

Otherwise, if you want FL, try WHexpert (GFT-UK White Label), if you insist on Saxo, check their SG operation.

which is some big bull****, as luxembourg (and swiss) banking privacy regulations didn`t apply (re taxes) to broker firms (or market makers) and isn`t worth a penny anymore anyway!

Otherwise, if you want FL, try WHexpert (GFT-UK White Label), if you insist on Saxo, check their SG operation.


Many thanks Hittfeld. I will try that
Saxo bank is owned by a portuguese bank so no surprises on the big comissions... portuguese banks like to charge charge and charge you some more... ehheeh
Portuguese? I thought they were danish!


they are... but i think the biggest shareholder is a portuguese bank Espirito Santo... anyways that's irrelevant... if someone knows of a broker that uses their platform but with good spreads and low comissions etc let us know
I am looking for a FX broker who is a white label partner for the Saxo Trader platform. I really like the platform, but my current broker's (Internaxx) commissions are too high. Most other brokers(e.g. Sucden) spreads are too wide, and they charge $10\side for trades < $100,000.

Anybody's help wld be greatly appreciated

Many Thanks

What about Saxo itself? One would think that they have lower spread than all their white labeled IBs.