anybody know of....?


Does anyone know of a fixed odds trading platform where you can decide your own stake as opposed to choosing the outcome winnings. currently i use Bet On Markets but they only let you choose the winning amount £10, £15, 25 etc. i need to choose my own stake for my amazing system to work. Please let me know if there is such a possibility or NOT. Cheers. (might even share my system with you if you can help).
Do you mean like Ladbrokes and Choiceodds? Or am I misunderstanding your question? Some other sports bookies offer financials but nothing to get excited about.
To what level of granularity do you require?

What kind of system is it? Not asking for details, just type.

I assume you need this feature for money management issues?


NotQuiteRandom said:
To what level of granularity do you require?

What kind of system is it? Not asking for details, just type.

I assume you need this feature for money management issues?


Sorry NQR not sure what you mean by granularity, basically at the moment on BOM i bet for example a 'no touch' bet that the ftse100 will not hit 6500 and the bet to end in, say 5 days time. you then decide how much you want to win, say £35, then BOM works out the odds and your stake is decided for you, say £27.67. Now for my system to work to it's full potential (and yes it is a money management system) I need to decide my stake and gradually build it up from, say £10 then £11 then £12 then £14 etc....
I can't find a website that works this way round (had a look at ladbrokes and choice odds but they aren't what i need).
So it's a type of Martingale system then. let you do this but they are not yet a real platform, it is someone testing software for a new release. I suspect one of the big spreadbetting houses or an offshoot of one perhaps?
eorb1kenobi said:
Does anyone know of a fixed odds trading platform where you can decide your own stake as opposed to choosing the outcome winnings. currently i use Bet On Markets but they only let you choose the winning amount £10, £15, 25 etc. i need to choose my own stake for my amazing system to work. Please let me know if there is such a possibility or NOT. Cheers. (might even share my system with you if you can help).

I would have thought you could achieve this on BOM by using the "price browser" matrix and then simply fine tuning your bet - a friendly piece of advice though - no money management system will compensate for a bad choice of bets.
Yep, that should work as well.

I agree, Martingales will always kill you in the end unless your edge is >a few hundred bps.