April: FTSE 100 12:00 Settlement: Fixed Odds Trading


Junior member
The purpose of this thread is to create an active discussion for the FTSE 100 fixed odds trading community. All opinions are welcome. Therefore, all participants can reap some sort of educational benefit that can be applied to real world trading action. I especially welcome avid critics. How can one progress to excellence if their perspective isn't broadened? I will post my positions when I have an entry or invalidation of an entry. With then aim to gain critics and respect alike. I do have some experience in trading and my approach is very risk-averse. Sounds like an oxymoron in this endeavour but on some days its really not. The essence of my approach is based psychological laws of military action. I utilise no fancy indicators only EMA's and candles.

Favourite Quote: Commanding General W. T. Sherman (Civil War era)
"Threaten hinge points in such a way as to make the opposing side expose himself when he attempts to cover the strategic point that's being threatened. He will either exhaust him self in vain attempt or he will abandon his cause completely. The moral disintegration of the enemy now renders the delivery of the mortal blow both possible and easy."
Bear Entry: Below 4970 for 400 euros 1/3 odds 9:45GMT
Be ready for an up correction next hour or so. If I can get a better odds entry at in the next couple hours when price confirms the bearish bias I will scale 2 enter with 350 euros
Victory Secured:
Settlement: 4966
Total Units Generated since first post: 132 EMU's
Units on the day: 132 EMU's
Adamned said:
Victory Secured:
Settlement: 4966
Total Units Generated since first post: 132 EMU's
Units on the day: 132 EMU's

What companies do fixed odds on the markets???
boring day for me, my system didn't give me a low risk entry so I remianed idle. However, I favor an above 4950 at noon settlement. Not enough to put money on the line though
Entered a bear position for settle at 12:00
Below 4920 1/5 odds
My system gave me a go but a feel for some reason its not all that good a signal. I only put 250 euros on the line. So payout is pretty weak only 50 euros but I guess it will be a few hours drinking money if I win.
Victory Secured:
Settlement: 4912
Units generated: 50 euros
How about that late spike in price to 4925. I love days like this it adds more weight to the quality of my system.
Due to lack of intrest by others I will no longer post on this thread.
That was clever, you won before 12:00. How did you manage that?? Looking at the graph it didnt spike to 4925? Are you sure your doing the FTSE 100??