Cantors Bins Binned

Well they had a reasonable range of hourlies, range bets and 12 noon up/down. Unfortunately, they were manual fill and I heard limited some winning traders' bet size. Very hard for bit players to complete against IG. They can now concentrate on Laddies fixed odds, running losers and cutting winners.
So they haven't stopped offering fixed-odds bets at all then? Just separated it from the spread betting platform and called it Cantor AlphaBet?
Jules, the new site is has got rid of the range of binary bets and just offers fixed odds, exactly the same as Laddies.
Jules, you are of course right, but fixed odds are a pig to close out. Give me a nice straightforward binary model, so I can chop out easily. My brain works better in binaries and converting fixed prices to binary is just a distraction I can do without. I don't see why Cantor have dropped binaries totally. If Choice Odds can do both on their markets, why don't Cantor? Makes no sense.
Yeah I much prefer binaries myself (it's the main reason why I developed BDI, the binary interface to Betfair), and as you say, it wouldn't be much extra effort by Cantor to do the same thing as ChoiceOdds and offer floating and fixed binaries and fixed-odds.

However, if Cantor do start offering fixed/floating binaries, then ChoiceOdds would have to drop all of their unique selling points on:

In fact, most of those unique selling points are already inaccurate - BinaryBet also offer the features mentioned in bullet points 2 and 3, and Cantor/Ladbrokes have been offering bullet point 4 for ages! Not sure how they can call the Interactive Arrows "revolutionary" when Ladbrokes started offering it a year ago, well before ChoiceOdds started...
Yes that was my point Yorkie, fixed odds are the same, but differnt. Also the range they offer via the new site is nothing like as before. They implied they weren't making money and it was hard work looking after it (probably meaning the manual fills). As ever bin firms get left with the winner as the losers get hit. As a winning bins trader (I assume), think how you feel when you have to take a big lose. Then think how losers feel when they take a lot more. I wouldn't stay 2 weeks if I kept losing.
As ever bin firms get left with the winner as the losers get hit. As a winning bins trader (I assume), think how you feel when you have to take a big lose. Then think how losers feel when they take a lot more. I wouldn't stay 2 weeks if I kept losing.

But a compulsive gambler will bet all they have and more. Some people will beg borrow and steal so they can gamble. Sad, but if you are making a killing on Betfair or perhaps even BinaryBet then a large chunk of your profits are coming from this type of person.
Eh? I work for myself mate. Escaped the rat race a while ago. The reason I like Choice is cos they offer something no-one else does, namely 5 minute binaries. I know the normal trend on here is just to bitch about everything - hell, I did it above about the Cantor binaries - but if you can't make money out of the 5min binaries, then stick to punting fixed odds with Lads.
Haha, 9DartNanny, I think you are right! Reading Yorkshires_finest posts I find it hard to believe he doesn't work for Choiceodds! If you do Yorkshires_finest can you ask your workmates to sort their trade acceptance out. I for one have stopped using Choiceodds because of it. At the end of the day I always go back to using binarybet...