

Hello Everyone,

This is the first forum I have every posted in. Days of lurking are officialy over. I look forward to learning and participating in this community.

I have invested for a number of years - mostly buy and hold of mutual funds and large cap stocks, with an occasional speculative tip here and there. But after recently reading the first Market Wizards book by Jack Schwager I am intrigued by the challenge and possibilities of trading. After a visit to Borders, I am now reading the Van Tharp Trading Your Way to Freedom book, and have the Alexander Elder Trading Room book in the queue.

What other books would you recommend for an aspiring newbie?

A second question I have would be about brokers for a beginning trader. I currently have most of my investments at Schwab and Vanguard and would like to open an account soley dedicated to trading. I have looked at some of the newer brokers like TradeKing, Zecco, Optionsxpress and also took a look at Interactive Brokers. Thoughts on opening a new trading account at say a firm like TradeKing vs. going ahead and opening an account at a firm like Interactive Brokers? My initial trading will probably be about 70% stocks and 30% options. Am not yet sure of the frequency of trading.
