Who are the Experts then?


I am fascinated by Trading but more as a spectator. I have tried some spread trades recently with mixed results using IG Tradesense but to be honest I havespent more time on this forum then anywhere else.

What I wanted to do was find out who are the industry (Spread Trading) leading experts are or which Blogs are good etc. One name that keeps popping up is Vince Stanzione another being Bob Piper.

To be honest it will be a while until I fully get into this (if ever) but I am determind to know more.

Best Regards

Do you mean Spreadbetting or Spreads Trading.

I think you mean the former and Vince Stanzione...erm, I really wouldn't listen to anyone selling anything. (Unless you have a good source of background information).

If you want to be a very profitable trader you will have to work very hard, average traders receive average results. You get what work you put in.

First thing is to go in with a plan and stick to it. I suggest you write some rules down and if you cannot get profitable off them then change the rules appropriately. (Rule number 1 is, and always will be, trade with what you can afford to lose).

I would look in the first steps section of this forum for "I want to get started" and all the other stickies. They are all gems.

Hope this helps, good luck.


www.etxcapital.co.uk are offering £100 for free to get used to their platform if you are interested. It might be a good place to start off at AFTER paper trading.
Does anyone follow Joe Ross's spreads. His latest is to go long Dec. Kansas Wheat and go short Dec. Chicago wheat.
I got on tonight at a price of 10 to the buy side.
Will see how it turns out...

Spreads betting intentionally choose that name to confuse it with spreads, which have been around since the beginning of time.
Vince Stanzione???
Vince Stanzione promotes financial spread trading. He has connections with Jim Rogers.

See: Vince Stanzione - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Vince is building up a customer base with his photo palm-reading via picture phones business.
Joe Ross said:
You know that a spread as taught primarily in the futures market involves trading the difference in price between two markets. You can also trade the price ratio between two markets, e.g. the gold/silver ratio, or any forex pair. Forex pairs are ratio spreads.

Spread betting is mostly done in the UK. It is nothing more than placing a bet on the movement of price. It has nothing directly to do with a differential trade or a ratio trade. Spread betters are at the mercy of brokers because they are not traded on regulated exchanges.
I know it must be hard for new technicuians to wade through all these products.
another being Bob Piper???
I don’t known what sites you are going to that has pop up windows, but I can not find anything about a Bob Piper knowing anything about spreads using Google. Start with Ross’s book.

Ross explains how to read close-only charts, which what you will be using trading spreads. Ross explains how oscillators can also be used to trade spreads. Along with Wells Wilders book “New Concepts,” you would have 97% of all there is to know about using indicators on spread charts.

You can Google up a list of spread books at Seasonal Spread Trader’s Library when you need it. Also not specifically about spreads Trade for a living.