UK company


Junior member

I have saved up some capital with which I want to invest primarily in equities some NYSE and some FTSE.
Would it be a wise move to invest via a uk registered company. Does anyone know the benefits of this (tax or otherwise) or the downsides?
Can anyone recommend a brokerage account that accomodates for the above aswell?

If I have other people wanting to invest - this seems a good way to go about it...but having a company does that mean I have to be regulated similar to funds or banks....

Thanks for any help or advice
Depending on the volumes you're trading you're better off doing it under your personal name rather then through a company. You'll get tax allowances of about 9.5k per year and a capital gains rate of 18% rather than small companies corp tax on profits at 21%.

Personally mate I'd say you need to do a lot more of your own research into investments to get a clearer picture of exactly what it is you want to do then go and speak to an IFA. If you don't, chances are you will lose your money and/or get ripped off.