What You Need To Know About....


In the stock trading industry, many people have garnered a lot of money from futures markets. It is only in this arena where people who have limited capitals can actually make substantial profits even in a short period of time. But because like any other market, this involves a lot of risks and may cost you significant losses, people may often fear to get involved.

Despite its bad reputation however, many experts would claim that futures trading could only be as risky as you want to make it. And if you take on good strategies and give yourself the proper exposure, then this can make you very rich.

What Are Futures?

Futures are standardized and transferable contracts that require a buyer to purchase a stock at a specific sum and within a certain time period in the future. This contract gives the buyer the obligation of purchase, and the seller the obligation to deliver the specific asset traded.

Unlike options, futures contracts obligate the traders to buy and sell instead of just merely giving them the right.

People basically profit from futures by performing speculations in order to provide liquidity and to assume risks for price fluctuations in the market. These valuable functions provide them with substantial returns and potentially large gains. But take note that along with these, substantial risks are involved as well.

How And Why Are Futures Traded?

Trading futures has become quite popular in many markets, especially in day trading. These kinds of trades offer a wide variety of markets and it can be traded at a low cost.

Futures can be traded in both up and down markets. If a particular trader expects the market to go up, a long trade is usually done wherein the trader buys a contract and then sells it. On the contrary, if a trader believes that the market will go down, and then he will most probably make a short trade by entering a trade through selling a contract and then exiting by buying another contract.

With this system, traders are able to profit regardless of what direction the market trends are going. This is the main reason why most traders are only concerned if the market is moving at all, instead of which direction it is actually going.

In futures trading, instead of taking or making deliveries, a trader merely speculates his position in the market’s volatility by predicting directions of trends. If prices move in the right direction, then the trader would be able to profit. If this does not happen, then a trader would experience some losses.

This particular arena in trading can be very promising, but it involves so many risks as well. But if you are well experienced in trading stocks and have adopted quite an understanding in the different trends, behaviors and strategies that the industry has to offer, then chances are, you may probably do well in this particular playing field.

All of this may sound pretty easy at the moment, but if you are planning to engage in futures trading, make sure that you do your research and prepare yourself with the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully execute transactions.

Along with huge profits possible, there are a lot of risks involved and trading futures without the right background can be very detrimental.
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The Basics On Stock Trading

The most common picture that comes to mind when people hear about stock trading is the one we see in movies where men in suits basically shout and wrestle each other in some huge New York building to bicker about money. Although to some extent, there is some truth to this image, trading in the stock market is actually a more complex concept that helps many people earn money and keep businesses alive.

The concept of trading fundamentally consists of the buying and selling of stocks among individuals or companies through brokers. Through buying a share of stock or a share of ownership in a particular company, an individual can then benefit and earn money from however the company they invested on may fair in the market.

There are two basic methods in which the stock market operates –on the exchange floor where buying and selling is done more traditionally and electronically where technology takes on the exchange game.

Trading On The Exchange Floor

The trading that occurs on the more traditional exchange floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is basically what most of us have become accustomed to from seeing it in the movies and on television. Basically, the NYSE consists of many brokers who negotiate the deals for individuals to be able to trade stocks.

As chaotic as the stock exchange floor may seem, there is actually a common pattern that occurs among most simple trades. First, an order to buy a certain number of stocks would be negotiated through a broker. After this, the broker’s order department would forward this arrangement to their floor clerk on the exchange. The floor clerk would then inform the company’s floor traders in order to find other traders that are willing to sell the equal number of stocks from the company that is offered to be bought. After the two parties agree on a price and close the deal, the message would be forwarded back up the line, and the broker would then inform the interested buyer on the final price.

Negotiations may take a few minutes or even longer, depending on the performance of the stocks as well as the market. For more complex trades and larger orders of stocks however, there may be a more complicated process but the principles basically remain the same.

Trading Electronically

A growing trend these days however, is trading stocks electronically, which is done through advanced computerized systems. Unlike the NYSE that generally operates through the manpower of brokers, its counterpart, the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ), trades stocks completely through electronic means.

These electronic markets forgo with human stockbrokers and instead make use of advanced computer networks to match buyers and sellers. And through this method, transactions are usually faster and more efficient.

Through electronic trading, investors get many benefits such as being able to get faster confirmations, as well as facilitating control by having online investing readily available through the Internet. However, brokers basically still handle the trades, as investors do not have direct access to the electronic markets.

The process that takes place in both methods however, is usually hidden from investors. Typically, if you are an investor, a call from your broker and regular reports on your stock investments would be provided for you, but you will not really get to see what is happening behind the scenes.

Through the investments that individuals make, many businesses are kept afloat and running. And in exchange for this, investors get a fair share of earnings. Stock trading may be a complex process, but at the end of the day, many people basically benefit from all of it. As a result, the whole concept becomes simple.
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This is a good post. Though, you omitted a key word with regards to futures - LEVERAGE! This is the ability to trade a position up to many multiples the size of a trader's account balance. Also, MARGIN REQUIREMENTS are the amount of capital a trader must commit for a given position size. The two are inversely related, so for higher leverage a broker will demand a lower margin requirement. Many professional traders/investors would not use above 4x leverage. The fact that some online currency brokers offer 100x leverage may sounds tempting, but like you describe, Stock-in-sin, you can get your face ripped off if you overtrade!
What You Need To Know About Day Trading

One of the fast growing trends in the stock trading arena these days is day trading. Today, more and more people are getting into this drift due to the many promises of making fast and easy money on their minds. However, what a lot of people fail to realize is that the buy fast and sell fast strategy of day trading may not always turn out as a very wise tactic to adopt in the stocks game.

Day trading can be a bit of a gamble and traders remain divided on the issue on whether or not this serves much purpose to the stock exchange industry.

Still, what most people could agree on is the fact that day trading is certainly not for everyone, and that it can involve huge risks. And so, before you immerse yourself in day trading, be sure that you get your facts straightened out.

What Is Day Trading?

Day trading is the buying and selling of securities for a certain stock within a single day. The main goal of those who practice this type of trade is basically to be able to profit from the difference between prices for buying and selling.

This type of trading serves two very critical functions in the industry. First, it keeps the markets efficiently running because of arbitrage as stock exchange basically thrives on buy and sell activities. Another function for this is that it usually provides so much liquidity in the stock market.

What Makes Day Trading Risky?

Although day trading may sound quite appealing at first, be warned that up to this day, the profit potential of this type of trading is still under debate among investors and brokers. And if you are new to the trading game, it is not advisable for you to gamble your investment as you may end up losing substantial amounts of money.

Although day trading is not necessarily illegal nor is it unethical, most would agree that it is risky because principles of this trade are based on the “fast and easy money” mentality, and therefore, day traders rely on making profit by rapidly buying and selling stocks in a single day as their stocks continue to rise and fall in value.

Of course, the chances relied upon are not quite dependable and choosing to do business this way seems more of a gamble than a sure way to gain money. Most financial advisors may discourage people from entering this type of trading, with the argument that most of the time, rewards do not justify the risks involved.

Apart from this, many parties capitalize on much of the confusion behind the controversies on day trading and create multiple Internet scams. And since most investors in these type of trades do not actually have a lot of money and may use borrowed money to buy stocks, this can be very dangerous.

The bottom line is, most financial experts would argue that most successful companies have grown not because of day trading, but through more traditional means.

If you were currently not very familiar with the stock market game, then it would be wise for you to stay away from day trading. Take in mind that the best way to earn profit may be through the long process and hard work, and taking shortcuts may certainly involve much more risks than you may want to bargain with.
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