prop desk at IB or market maker?


Dear all,

Im in a bit of a quandry. I have an offer to be trading on the prop desk of one of the Optiver/IMC/Liquid groups that ive read so much about. Im working on the prop desk of a tier 1 European IBank.

Better to build PnL in an bank which knows you and affors u the odd mistake and then advertise yourself in 2-3yrs with PnL, or go for it now with no track record and start at a smaller shop?

And does joining one of these firms close any routes back to IB's/hedge funds in the future?

Thoughts would be much appreciated.
nice problem to have. i guess one of the things I'd look at is the lifespan of whatever product you are currntly trading/what you wwould be trading. is your desk likely to be closed at the IB. that sort of thing.
Prop desk? At a nationalized European IB (aren't they all)? Somehow I don't think the situation's gonna last. The writing's on the wall for that one, IMHO.