starter course!! what one?


hi im completely new to trading and never done it before,

I was wondering if anyone could recogmend a decent course for me?

thanks guys
Investing for dummies (book) - great course, cheap, you can repeat it however many times you want, Its about £15 and you don't have to travel anywhere :)
hi im completely new to trading and never done it before,

I was wondering if anyone could recogmend a decent course for me?

thanks guys


Try googling invest-fx. Its completely free and consists of a basic and advanced course on trading FOREX. Also has a forum where you can ask questions etc
starter course!! what one?

I'm torn between the Prawn Cocktail and the Liver Pate.

i've never done the course [because you can work it out from the blog videos and the first part is free] but hector trading course is worth a go [if its still running].

after that sign up to meditation classes and become a zen master.
thanks oiltanker

comments appreciated - I'm off to reach the zen state via the malt whisky route!

i've never done the course [because you can work it out from the blog videos and the first part is free] but hector trading course is worth a go [if its still running].

after that sign up to meditation classes and become a zen master.