
Hi Everyone

So....decided today that I'm going to try and make/lose some money by investing (low amounts) in shares in different things to see how I get on. Just one problem..... I dont know the first thing about buying/selling shares, how to do so, where to do so, why to do so etc....

If you imagine something from another planet has just landed and said to you "WTF is it with trading and buying/selling/shares?" What would you say to them? I am honestly the most clueless person when it comes to this sort of thing but have decided that whilst there's money to be made, I'm more than happy to try and claim my share. I'm not a complete dafty, I do have a brain in my head and I'm quite business minded, I just need a "leg up" and some idiot guides/best practices as to where I should start

ANY help would be greatly appreciated.......and I mean ANYTHING you deem at all relevent to someone whom has no idea what it is they're doing.


like the post above the best thing to do is READ READ READ and keep you money "initially" in your pocket !!!

Then Try Try Try if you done A Level Maths at some stage you've come across an equation which has a solution that is obtained by "trial and error" ..... its a bit like that !!!!

But there are short cuts .....but no definite answer !!!! except do the WORK !!!

or just Buy 200K CSCO tommorw and see what happens !!!
I only post on here when i've had a bit to drink and have got nothing else to do !! so ..... excuse my language / spelling / rude'ness !!!!

A better guide to getting started lets say u have £5K to open up an account and have NO PREVIOUS experience at ALL spend the £5K on Education .. and leave the trading for later on !!!!

but also ......paper trading is a different story .....if you have no experience at ALL ....paper trading is Bo**ocks !!! There is simply no discipline, you simply cannot apply it ......... any 1 thats traded real money knows for a fact on Sim is a diffrent story to trading $$$$

A lot of people also will tell you all the info you need is avaliable on HERE or forums like this ........... for free ............. NOT the Case you have to decide what's good and whats trash !!! they can and will help you .....NO DOUBT but will never amount to anything if that's all you reference too !!!

What ever money you have allocate some to educating yourself first !!! may seem like a waste but it will train you mind to take in what is important and discard whats not ....... then you can apply the same to the "FREE" forums .... take what you need ignore the rest !!!
totally uneducated you will only lose. just a question of when. so don't use money for at least 6 months, depending on your learning curve.

trading anything without knowledge is simply gambling. would you consider buying and selling cars or antiques with no idea of values/market/costs?

however if you literally plan to lose say £500 (and no more) trading whatever you choose, you could consider that an introduction fee to your education. nothing like the crushing of your ego/pride/bank balance for that biting reality check.

i don't want to put you off by any means, but just remember that there are seasoned professionals with better knowledge, better software and more experience waiting to be on the other end of your trade...right now, who do think has the highest probability of ending up with the money in your account, you or them?

learn as much as you of luck.

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