30 min historicals


Hi all,
i am relatively new to fx and have a method which i am using with good results. It is in part systematical as the entry points are always related to certain ranges.

I manage the trade once entered and trail the best point by moving my stop up as price changes. This is making me good profits so far and also would have done over the last 12 months as i took the TESS charts and traded sep 2007 to sep 2008 as if i was doing it in real time.

I am happy with this approach but i want to see if it would have worked in previous years so wandered if i can get 30 min charts for year 2006 and preferably before thanks SC
try tickdata or there's another one that people here have mentioned called something like 'diskupdate' which is cheaper. You should find a link to the websites if you search the forum.