Crude Oil trading


Newbie here. Did try to search the forum. Could not find anything relevant. So here you go,

How and where do I trade in crude oil ? is there any particular website who specialize in trading oil and commodities?
Crude oil futures on NYMEX is what your looking for threw what ever broker you use. Personaly if your a "newbie" i wouldn't trade crude you will get wiped out.
Many Forex brokers trade oil (and gold) as part of their Forex platform - Metatrader has it, for example. To suggest that trading oil is any more dangerous than, say, Forex is just not true. It is a lot easier and more profitable, in my opinion. OK, you may need larger stops and limits but simply trade smaller. Take a look at The Oil Futures Trading Business - Buy & Sell Oil For A Living which produced good results this week and all through the recent market crisis.
i say its more dangerous due to the size of the moves on crude and the fact the margin for just 1 contract is 10,000$ ish. a move of 1$ in the market (pritty small) will be 1000$, that is the minimum amount you could trade if you traded the futures. so if you have a small acount any moves against you are gona punish you.
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That's just nonsense. For a start, you can trade 0.1 contracts and with a sensible stop I can trade with a margin requirement of under $300. Last week I made 6 trades and pocketed $5.20 worth of moves at $2 a cent. I was never risking more than $250.

You can also trade via spread betting for peanuts.
Newbie here. Did try to search the forum. Could not find anything relevant. So here you go,

How and where do I trade in crude oil ? is there any particular website who specialize in trading oil and commodities?

Newbies are always interested in Crude oil. No one gives you a profitable strategy.