Hang Seng Index Historical Data


I can download Hang Seng Index (HSI) historical data from Yahoo finance page, however, the data is only dated back to 31 Dec 1986. Where can I look for the full set of HSI historical data since 1967 when the 100 base point was set? I don't mind get all raw data for a price.
I can download Hang Seng Index (HSI) historical data from Yahoo finance page, however, the data is only dated back to 31 Dec 1986. Where can I look for the full set of HSI historical data since 1967 when the 100 base point was set? I don't mind get all raw data for a price.

I searched for a long time and finally found the data from 1986. I have never seen any HSI data from 1967. May be you should go to Hongkong exchange directly (Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited )and try whether you can find the price in some specific day in 1967.
Any chance someone can tell me the OHLC for the HSI futures contract (front month, Sept '11) for 13/09/2011 to 15/09/2011?

I am trying to figure out if my non back adjusted continuous contract is a little back adjusted. FYI, I use Genesis TradeNavigator. Sorry to post here, but apparently I need 25 posts to make a thread and I am not there yet.
Currently, thanks to MF Global, between brokers. Thinking IB, but see here

I am using my software to practice trading HSI on 1min bars. I am copying the style of a person who was doing this with IB.