Msc in FInance


Hi, everybody!
I am a new member in this forum and I would like to know if someone knows about Msc finance programs in UK.Just I 've finished my bachelor degree in economics and I am preparing for the next step.I would like to finish my Msc as sooon as possible and to take a job as a junior trader in an investment bank.I am between two universities in Skotland.I've been offered a place for the MSc Finance at St Andrews University and at University of Edinburhg.Are these degrees good enough? How is the reputation/employment prospects? What's program it's better to choose?
Furthermore,if somebody interests to give me certain advices for the work that I want to do or for the steps that it should I follow,I would appreciate it a lot!
The LSE have an MSc Finance program, and Said Business School at Oxford have an MFe that I think does't require prior experience. LBS etc usually want people with experience form what I remember (I may be wrong).