Looking for mentoring and proper training...


New to trading, and feel that like learning anything, one needs the right teacher. Want to trade full time, and given this....

Can anyone recommend a genuine trader out there who teaches trading and mentors with bringing together the right strategies that actually work?

Have been burned by scams in the past and looking to find a genuine trading teacher / mentor service....
What is your location and how much time do you intend to devote to trading ?

What is your location and how much time do you intend to devote to trading ?


Hi Colin,
I am a newbie too looking for a mentor who can teach me some basics. About me I was daytrading stocks after reading some books and got burned, recently lost hell lot of my savings after some winning sessions. But every day I am learning something new from my mistakes but strongly believe that a good mentor can boost my confidence and get me on right track. Right now I have a evening job and so I can invest atleast 10 hours every day. I live in Gatwick, West Sussex but if there is any possibilty I can get a mentor nearby would be really appreciable if not I dont really mind travelling. I have contacted Trader Dante after reading all his posts and even some senior traders did recommend him but I think I am not that lucky to get into his mentorship as I didnt hear anything yet from him.
Thank you for your time in advance.
Depends on your location but I have someone that you may be interested in. When people ask Alex Elder (and if you don't know who he is you shouldn't be on here) who he recommends as a mentor there is one guy that he refers people to. He offers either personal consultations or access to a video library (or both of course). He is also a good guy but based in the US so probably not much use for you apmf. Generally his methods are similar to Elders. Send me a message if you want his details.
Hi Ash

Well we just started a little "club"

send me your phone number for a chat

for details on me read my profile

What is your location and how much time do you intend to devote to trading ?


Hi Colin,

My location is Bristol. I'm in a full time career, but on an average I work from home about 2-3 days a week. During such days that I'm not travelling, I can devote time from the afternoon onwards, meaning I can trade the US markets from 2:30 pm UK time onwards.

I'm interested in indices and forex, but this doesn't mean I won't look at anyting else.

Let me know further please.

Hi Colin,

I'm interested in indices and forex, but this doesn't mean I won't look at anyting else.

Let me know further please.


Hi Bharat,

welcome to trading! as Tony Robbins says dont invent the wheel, model your success on someone who has done it! There are so many mentors and coaches out there, all unique in their own way, but often it costs £000's to do it. the most I have paid is approx £1800 for an options course. None ofthe courses did offer follow up and live trading!

However, personally for me, 4 people have changed my trading life and I would highly recommend them!

1. Alexander Elder - Been to his seminar a number of times, all paid ones. I would say one of the best in multi screen approach and top down, also great for psychology!

2. Peter Bains - Clearly one ofthe honest guys around! and not many ofthem around, low cost and whats more there is tons of video library you can view

3. Jay Lakhani, Bindal FX - Trully a world class trainer. I have attended his seminars. it is great fun, and what's more the only one out there who will do LIVE trading all day at a seminar. What's more not many have the money back guarantee like he has.
:: Bindal FX ::

Highly recommend you read Jay's book _ "forex Mastery a child's play"

4. adrienne Toghrae - Very expensive! If you can afford her then great for psychology and mental fitness.

I hope this helps you. Happy trading!

Hi Colin,
I am a newbie too looking for a mentor who can teach me some basics. About me I was daytrading stocks after reading some books and got burned, recently lost hell lot of my savings after some winning sessions. But every day I am learning something new from my mistakes but strongly believe that a good mentor can boost my confidence and get me on right track. Right now I have a evening job and so I can invest atleast 10 hours every day. I live in Gatwick, West Sussex but if there is any possibilty I can get a mentor nearby would be really appreciable if not I dont really mind travelling. I have contacted Trader Dante after reading all his posts and even some senior traders did recommend him but I think I am not that lucky to get into his mentorship as I didnt hear anything yet from him.
Thank you for your time in advance.

hi ash

did you have any joy finding a mentor, im also looking for one, i live in east grinstead not far from you, i have been using forex auto pilot but i dont feel confident enough as yet to trade live, let me know if you have any ideas.thanks carl
Does anybody know one in London that has a good reputation? I am thinking about either commodities or indices.
Depends on your location but I have someone that you may be interested in. When people ask Alex Elder (and if you don't know who he is you shouldn't be on here) who he recommends as a mentor there is one guy that he refers people to. He offers either personal consultations or access to a video library (or both of course). He is also a good guy but based in the US so probably not much use for you apmf. Generally his methods are similar to Elders. Send me a message if you want his details.

Hi Shanghi can you please send them to me as well at [email protected]. Cheers