Trading Techniques - Some clarification please.


Hi I am new to trading.

I have been looking at the stock market for some time.
I have got some cash and want to start day trading, around my full
time job. Where I by a stock and sell in the same day.

I have been looking at some trends for stocks which are volatile during the
day trading hours. Therefore providing entry and exit points.

I am looking to make about 1% - 5% in day trading.

In the morning I look at the trend and buy shares placing a buy order + sell order,

My question is which are the best stocks to do this type of technique.

And also is 0.5% stamp duty is applicable in all buy trades. Therefore after this is
covered you are in profit?

Stamp duty probably only applies to UK stocks ... and will apply to all. Someone contradict me if I'm wrong.

"New to trading" and "1-5% per day" is a contradiction in terms.

The best bit of advice you could get at this point is: don't day trade yet. Instead try swing trading holding for anything from 2-3 days to 2-3 weeks. If you can master swing trading then look at the more difficult art of day trading.