Official FFSE Settlement Values


Is there somewhere quick and dirty that I can find what could be deemed the official opening value of FTSE at given times? (It is a value from a week ago)
I am getting 1 value from Yahoo finance, but this is being disputed by the bookmaker, who is quoting a much less value!

Are you talking about the FTSE100 index? There are two issues really - the cash index will open at the same price it closed at the previous night. The calculation engine simply takes the last trades of the underlying stocks. Until a share has traded, the last value is the the previous settlement. It is a bit more complex, but that's the gist of it.

SB firms make their own price on the index based primarily on where the futures markets are trading. Because futures prices are order driven and tradeable (i.e a trade takes place where a buyer and a seller are mutually happy to deal), and not a mathmatical calculation of share prices, they will generally react faster. This means that the SB FTSE100 price at 8am is where business is being done rather than last night's closing prices. It can be a fair way away from the previous close.
Many thanks for your reply NS1000.
Yes it is the FTSE100 values I'm refering to. But it is the values during the day that I am after as well as the opening+closing. For example, what the FTSE100 opened at at various points...12pm, 2.30pm, 3.10pm etc.

Much obliged,

real-time FTSE index values are not easy or cheap to come by - Yahoo and most other free sources are delayed by at least 15 minutes. This is not a problem if you are a longer term trader or an investor but hopeless for intra-day decision-making.

Intra-day I find the 'rolling' market on the FTSE100 quoted by the SBs to be nearest to the underlying index while the latter is being traded (0800-1630).