Penny Shares


Hi all,

Wondering if anyone has any experience with a UK based Trading platform which allows you to trade Penny stocks/shares

Have a few UK Platforms, but none of them accommodate for trades on these lower priced stocks.

If anyone can recommend any good platforms which would allow me to trade penny stocks it would be great,
Thanks in advance!
Hi all,

Wondering if anyone has any experience with a UK based Trading platform which allows you to trade Penny stocks/shares

Have a few UK Platforms, but none of them accommodate for trades on these lower priced stocks.

If anyone can recommend any good platforms which would allow me to trade penny stocks it would be great,
Thanks in advance!

can you give me an example of one you can't trade on a platform?
For example there is a company called 'Crawshaw', stock name CRAW, which I can't seem to find on any platforms I have tried.
For example there is a company called 'Crawshaw', stock name CRAW, which I can't seem to find on any platforms I have tried.

I just had a quick look on two brokers I use for shares and I can find it on both
Thats IG sharedealing and Degiro
I'd imagine i'd find it on most..which broker can you not find it?
Hi all,

Wondering if anyone has any experience with a UK based Trading platform which allows you to trade Penny stocks/shares

Have a few UK Platforms, but none of them accommodate for trades on these lower priced stocks.

If anyone can recommend any good platforms which would allow me to trade penny stocks it would be great,
Thanks in advance!

You know that you will blow up and lose all your money ? Nobody ever made money on penny stocks, even people who tried to launch hedge funds out of it with smart PhDs and everything you want, they all ended up blowing up.

Unregulated market, lack of liquidity, lack of transparency, not enough participants, etc.
Can't think of one that lets you trade OTC but there are stocks listed on NASDAQ going for less than a dollar if you want a penny share fix.
There is also the FTSE AIM market, where there are a few share prices <£1
Both are available on Degiro and I think IG