Be careful with stock ranking by some companies including very popular ones

Randy B

Junior member
Recently, I studied some stock rankings published by some of the very popular companies. I'm still studying as time permits but I'm not at the conclusion yet.

However, I came across some stocks ranked as 5 (strong sell), but according to my calculations, they were 2 (Buy).
Based on that observations, I kept tabs on those stocks and later saw that I was correct and they were wrong.
Further, they later changed their ratings to buy, but it was not the best point to buy and most of all, the people who have believed their ratings have already sold their stocks at a loss, where they could have waited few more days (Hold).

For companies like those, I do not think that they miscalculated ratings. There is a possibility that some of their employees miscalculated and published.
But, I seriously doubt if they do it purposely to mislead, terrify and thereby take control of fearful individuals so that they can retain them as paid clients.

As I said, I have not concluded anything yet, and I may not be able to either. But I seriously think that we should think twice considering their ratings in our trading.