Good time to invest in Gold ?


Hello Guys,

Can you please help me ? Is it a good time to invest in Gold ?

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depends on your horizon ..............people say its worth holding Gold in your potfolio for risk purposes ..........and it has done well over 10-15 years since last up to you the dollar though if you buy XAU/USD......the continued appreciation of that dude will not help golds price
It depends on how do you invest to guy? Buy or sell? If you are new to Forex, I advice you to avoid gold.
It depends on how do you invest to guy? Buy or sell? If you are new to Forex, I advice you to avoid gold.

1) Investment cannot be short.
2) Do not avoid Gold.

Basically forget what that guy said. Gold is beautiful, keep an eye for $980.
I am new to Forex and want to ask:
how much spread of gold a broker offer is good? I do hear gold spread is higher than currencies.
I am new to Forex and want to ask:
how much spread of gold a broker offer is good? I do hear gold spread is higher than currencies.

It's usually 0.45 to 0.55 dollars. More than 60 cents spread is high.
I am new to Forex and want to ask:
how much spread of gold a broker offer is good? I do hear gold spread is higher than currencies.

Indeed, I just checked my broker vinson financials gold spread is around 46 points. While with majors, 20 points is considering high.