Excel Trading /partially completed automated trading signal provider


Junior member
I provide an excel spreadsheet of most of the most important trading oscillating indicators. I am in mid-process in developing how i can make it into an automated signal based trading programme.

It seems very hard to find these kind of programmes out there for free. I have spend days making it. So i hope you all enjoy it. Obviously it is not completed. However, i would love some opinions and ideas in making it:

A) automated i am using Office:08 for Mac
b) the formula that will be needed to give the signals desired
c) what general ideas are about it
d) are there any incorrect cells/formulas?
e) what would your next step be?

I would really appreciate some feedback

I hope that for all of you that have found it hard to find an excel spreadsheet with all the indicators in it that you can all enjoy this spreadsheet. Much of the finance based equations/ideas are not present

I will update this treat with the completed version when it is complete. I have had to delete much of the historical data due to the file size.

Any ideas/formulas for making my life easier would be much appreciated.