new to swing trading



I am new to trading/investing. I am interested in learning about short term trading and long term investing. Due to my full time job, restrictions due to my current visa and limited capital, I cannot do day trading, so I am thinking of trading on a bit longer time horizon. Which is why I am looking at swingtrading, and/or long term investing.

I wonder if anyone could suggest some good ways to start. Currently I am thinking of subscribing to one of the day trading websites which in found on Investimonials, where a professional day trader picks the stocks and shows you the tricks of the trade.

I have a paper trading account with thinkorswim. It seems they have a pretty good software for technical analysis, with quasi-real time quotes.

Thanks for reading.
Hi, I would like to swing trade. Can anyone recommend a good broker in UK.

AlphaTh7 read Technical analysis by John Murphy. Dont bother subscribing to other so called professional traders. If they were so succesful, they would be minted, they will not be divulging their secrets. You have to devise your System. Everyone has different temperment. Read plenty of good books.
Thats my plan anyway.
You want to swing trade because you have no time to daytrade, yet you are thinking of subscribing to a day trading website.

Doesn't this sound wired to anyone else or it does only to me?
Hi alphaTh7 -

Have a look on YouTube at the clips by Oztrader (Niall Fuller). he uses three simple set-ups to swing trade currency and explains his approach very clearly. As far as I can tell, these are not daytrades and the only charts I have seen him use are day 1-day candlesticks.

If you're in the UK, have you the possibility of opening a spreadbetting account? This offers the lowest capital access to the market and all the technical analysis tools you should need at this stage.
Hii Ronblack..

Well..I talked with the daytrader and he told me that he does both swing and day trades, and he marks them out clearly. So if I just want to do swing trading, I can look at the ones he marks out and decide, leave the rest.

Thanks for your comments..I am currently reading some books on technical analysis and speculation/investing. I will also look through the youtube clip you mentioned. I am actually in US
