EXAMS required for a Day Trader?


I will be going to University soon(Hopefully to London School of Economics) to do a Mathematics degree. I have wanted to become a Day Trader since I was around 13 years old. I was wondering once I have completed my Mathematics degree what qualifications are required to become a day trader for a firm in the UK, if they are FSA exams, which one(s) will I need to take to become a day trader/junior trader. Just to say I would prefer to be a trader as opposed to a broker, so please could you advise me on the exams I need to take to be allowed to trade on behalf of a firm.

Thanks in advance
Doesn't really matter what degree you have as long as you have really good grades and are from a top university (LSE is one of the best, so if you get in, you should be fine). You don't need to study math - I would advise you to mix it up a little. Also, depends on what you want to trade. For derivatives, they would prefer someone with a math/computer programming background. If you want to trade stocks/forex, then not necessarily so. Just make sure you get really good grades.

Other than that, you can also open an account and try trading yourself. If you can show that you can make consistent profits, it would help significantly on your resume when you apply.

Best person here to talk to would be DashRipRock...search him and send him a message.
Just get a first and get on to an IB prop desk and you'll be fine. Also, join the ULU polo team.
You don't need anything but some pocket money to be a day trader. Day trader mostly refers to people who take some bets with the bookies. But if you want to be a stock market, bond market trader, or other market trader, then good grades will help, as will luck, or if you know people.