looking to invest in an Insolvency & Accountancy company


Been told of a company through a friend in my home town that conducts Insolvency and Accountancy services that is looking to expand and is looking to a.) Looking for a VC or B.) float on AIMS

The company places companies into bankrupcy, administration and also does accountancy, it is looking to expand via franchise as well as offers funding into companies.

Just wondering if any guys have any idea how to invest as i cannot find a way in ? the company is The Insolvency Group in Chesterfield UK

Advise Welcome
seems strange for an accounting firm to be a limited liability company, forget the exact law but i'm pretty sure it's not allowed here

i'd send them a letter asking if you can buy shares, or some instrument they can make up on the spot that acts like a share

or ring up and make an appointment to see the CEO/big wig see if you can become a silent partner with a very small stake lol