What amount is good for starting


Just registered - hello forum.
I want to start trading - what kine amount is good for beginning - not to loose money.
Just registered - hello forum.
I want to start trading - what kine amount is good for beginning - not to loose money.

Whatever you can afford to lose...but it may be better to go with micro lots or demo if just starting out. There is no guarantee that you will not lose many, let alone make any...in fact you probably will do the former...but remember the 1st tsak of a trader is to preserve capital (you gotta stay in the game long enough to get good) so over-leveraging and big risks will likely add to your chances of losing.

Whatever you decide,

Just registered - hello forum.
I want to start trading - what kine amount is good for beginning - not to loose money.
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I agree with the above comments, start off demo trading until you are consistantly profitible then move onto a micro account yet again trade until consistantly profitible.
watch out for leverage it works both ways for you and against. Also search this forum lots of good info
it does depend on your means but i say dont waste your time on a demo account.

you can open a micro account for next to nothing and trade in increments of 'cents'. If your bothered to lose money in the beginning, or at any stage, particulatly 'cents' then you should reconsider your approach.

the critical elements to success are in the psychological and emotional aspects, you will not feel those trading on a demo account.

safe journey.
it does depend on your means but i say dont waste your time on a demo account.

you can open a micro account for next to nothing and trade in increments of 'cents'. If your bothered to lose money in the beginning, or at any stage, particulatly 'cents' then you should reconsider your approach.

the critical elements to success are in the psychological and emotional aspects, you will not feel those trading on a demo account.

safe journey.

Real money makes the game much more interesting and makes you responsible for decisions....

A small amount of real money may be a great lesson teacher.