New to the forum



If you have questions, ask...but if you get a response somewhat like this:
, then you might want to rephrase your question!

Good Luck!!

Make sure Pete's around so he can ask his parrot for the answer. Pete's parrot has helped many of us out in our journies to profitability/ruin.
The parrot has been watching me trade and lately he's been saying "Loser, Loser"
I'm not sure if he means me or the trade. :mad:

One of each perhaps?

Anyway, I'm still convinced most posters think you just like unusual print t-shirts rather than having a clairvoyant talking parrot which is really what we all know you do have.
Pete: "Gee, I like the look of shorting the long bond here, but I want to hide my order from the market. I think I'll break it up into an iceberg order - what do you think?

Polly: "Yeah, do it"

Pete: "How shall I spit it up?"

Polly: "Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight"
randomability would be setting up your execution platform to treat the order as teh integral of a gaussian distribution, and then set the mean, standard deviation and any measure of skew / kurtosis, and then firing a random number into that in order to find out the size of each trade you sent to the exchange.

It sounds like lulz but even tt can do that now.