timeframe of trading


Junior member
:confused::confused::confused:I was reading some resources and was stucked in the concepts like intraday and interday? What are these concepts in trading? Someone quoted that these are the timeframe methods of trading. How many type of time frame are there in trading? Can anyone explain me about these concepts in brief?
Intraday trading can be done only after you choose your stocks carefully. As a beginner, you should avoid day trading in risky stocks. You can concentrate on stocks which have the capacity to bounce back even after a steep fall. Many knowledgeable people will advise you to stay away from penny stocks for day trading, since a lot of volatility is seen in their price movements without any fundamental reasons.

You keep asking questions that are easy to find out about, either via T2W's own Traderpedia http://www.trade2win.com/traderpedia/ or by a simple google search. You have to work at this business you know :)

The terms you ask about here are not concepts, they are merely descriptive of the time scales. intraday traders open and close positions within the trading session - ie: day trading - interday traders do not.
