The example of futures tradegy in China (by Crab King)


Junior member

This is the hottest thread in Chinese "Chaoke(means short-swing trading) forum".It records investors who lost their money in the futures market seriously and warn the beginners that markets are more hard than we imagine.

I lost 50 million of accumulated resources quickly, despite its sympathy.

There is a loss to

Fired after money payment

La belts for three days

Money is a trifle

Mainly psychological uncomfortable

Too bad, and the life

And gamblers is the same as the worst way

Just a little better than the gambler reputation

I have talked to people from futures!

They are trapped

The worst is when you do not want to live, and want to commit suicide,

But also on several occasions,

At that time to understand the suicide is a kind of liberation,

Tired, so tired of all the

Rice is delicious, the person wishing to sleep.

Sleep tattoo.

People walking, like zombies.

See beauty, whip not warped.


Downstairs supplementary Kazakhstan!

Heart nearly stopped beating, the good news is that in a minute.

As long as you continue transactions, you can earn you money. Seems to me.

As long as you are too stupid, continuous trading, may 7-8 years, and you will realize. The most important concepts, methods and to a lesser extent. Take out those Newton discovered the spirit of Newton's laws.

I'm the worst times was the first time to help clients do, said the 20 per cent of the deficit to just do not, as a result of the time they do not dare to do, day depressed out divergent results it's cold, windy (weather plus) didn't come out gold customers, nor does it give me a call, see I am not saying I'm hiding his ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ in my memory that was the worst feeling.

Don't complain, who did not point the sufferings, took out a point person to

I used to do the same, you do not want to endure hardship as somebody who I have always been looked down upon

The most bitter, think of the coming year are good, proud of the time, think times

Also through the

我去年从12月起换了公司做.起始资金3.68万元一直做到年底.买把铝买把糖挣到了22.22万.满心欢 喜过了个好年.去年生个女儿.想有钱了再生个儿子.哪想到年后糖暴跌至今.我均价4900左右买的12手糖 挣1300多点不跑.现在亏钱跑了.又打回原形.还剩2.8万.挣钱时花掉3万多.而这时老婆又怀上了却不 知道.年后3.19号是我生日.没办法第二天只有把孩子流掉了.今年是我人生中过的最惨的生日.我亲手输掉 了我的儿子.估计是个儿子.因老婆最近脸上长了好多雀斑.怀女儿时是没有的.我好想要个儿子..老婆也更想 要.两个人晚上大哭一场....

See Louzhu this topic, I think for many years past, no not the old tears tired aspect.

Your humble, 1994 to 1999, mung bean closed down. 8th overall Flash cartridge. Own, family, relatives of all money opportunities almost cut. Around 2000, covered only by 2000.

That sometimes I and his wife and others sharing a House for rent 150, clothe can save the province, once bought dozens of pounds of potatoes, eat every day. Barber is a wife to give me a reason to do interesting, cut short. The most miserable when I ran the future building of toilet tissue paper home search!

Later, I was originally located in futures company cooking, I went to, the condition is not wages, but me and my wife. In this way have been mixed into 200 0 winter dry small half a year.

At the end of 2000, I was lucky enough to know, your own business, NT entrusted to me, in the spring of 2001, has also made more than 1 million, he later evacuated families gave me 3, plus my original 5000, 2000, a total of nearly one year I didn't own a bank account, a small, almost dying so far!!!

Futures is a lucrative business, but difficult to earn a stable and durable. Sometimes be a presentation, it is difficult to adhere to the principles of the operation. Summary, General two of the most important, homeopathy and qingcang, important than homeopathy qingcang! your humble before mung bean is always so super warehouse mancang storm 20 00 years won't dare, so there is no Flash cartridge.

My money less timid, several years only dare soybean, I concluded, soybean, as long as qingcang rather buy a top-selling a small quilt cover, there is always the opportunity to come back.

Recently I was good in the quilt cover are gradually is advisable to jiancang, only a few, and I'm ready to die was, at present, 2600 are broken, I do not believe that this year the 2600.

However, this approach is wrong, is tied to. This bean Yam fall back and forth without rinsing if prices maybe I ran early. Kill the AH.

The day also had a dream, dreaming and Flash cartridge, borrow money everywhere, really hard.

Complain so much, sincerely hope all of you friends learned, summarizing a set of principles for action, and Futures competition, and his Grandma!

I am experiencing unprecedented harsh stage,

Is this a few days, I've just summed up my most important what the problem is, the answer is 4, the

1, sleep, accomplishment of nerves. (I have insomnia, sleep well, it is not enough, I do, those most in need of strong nerves. )

2, funds.

3, level, ability, strong wings. (Through the review, reasonable thought, this is not a big problem. )

4, loneliness, no woman.

Now, the capital is the main issue, I am only working capital, 2635 block last year to quit, no income. I am now in Baba's waiting for my work compensation unit warrant, intends to dispose of the last year of enterprise restructuring, 16900 unit. That is, it's down, it seems that after stalling.

If you dispose of warrants, funds, I can find a secluded (off the needle can be heard below stairs when a sound) lived, so sleep is basically had no problems. Now I live in industrial zone, night sleep, I can hold out a stomach, a loud noise, I'm bored.

Funds small and causing a pressure problems, sleep well, obvious impact of the transaction. The meal was good yesterday, but I can't do it. Today's meal was good, did a 5 times and made up 5 blocks, 2206 M0611, 2212, didn't get away. Here, behind the looking make-up, make-up done 3 times, with the deficit.

Funds settled, sleep and solved, the transaction status should be to increase the number. New year, more than two months, the total deficit of approximately 145 block fee 1000 block, so, on this basis, the increase, they should be able to win.

Now because of financial issues of the lonely, once funding has been solved, it will highlight the problem of loneliness, which, even if the money could not be immediately addressed.

Difficulties have never bowed.
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Think the days of no stranger to live without any hope

On occasion, to find poor people, bad people, everywhere!

Can you help?

If you are, who is going to help you?

Your own dream circle!

-----Can only rely on your own!!!

Futures is the same!

Miserable, miserable and not discussed the significance.

Depending on the problem.

Futures are no more than two cases, one is a profitable, reliable way to profit; second, there is no reliable method of gambling gambling luck.

You took, what kind of situation?

Continue to persist, or adjust it, or stop, and then launched. This is the most you are facing the reality of the problem. Gentleman's doing.

A futures, when his accumulated experience non profit needs, then he should first establish a full, independent of the self-assessment system, otherwise, so always go on deficit becomes nothing.

This world everything is persistence.

My worst time is just graduated, one week after the loss of more than 6000.

Also in the subway took me to my worst time to remember.

Now that I think, not too bad. I just don't bin distributer, I guess we won't suffer any longer!

In 1995 I bonds futures on Flash cartridge, owe a debt of 4 individuals. In Shenzhen, I leave only one month, 400 life used to wage debts in full. 98 years to finish. 98 years after marriage. 555. 555. Been there, done that! this kind of thing can't let it happen again. So I just put on futures 1/10 of the funds.

Occasionally intervention stocks in 1996, with a maximum of 4 million to 16 million, and now only 3 Chin, should count burst. are moving forward, yet, I do not know when blasting al, stocks of bitterness, the

一个早上做郑州小麦最多可以亏7000元,赚的时候也赚过5000,一个早上满仓做可以来回3次,这样自己 的钱在3个多月的时间里亏的这剩几千元,当时在夜晚仰望天空看着那一轮明月我却欲哭无泪,但是意志还是很坚 定地走这条路,到最后跑客户跑到只剩下118元钱的时侯我真的开始有点自暴自弃了,心想既然老天不给个机会 那就客户也干脆不去跑了,剩下的钱就找了个刚刚认识不久的协警在西湖边上一个小店里简单地点了几个小菜喝了 点酒,最好的菜好象是野兔肉吧,当时我自己明白喝的是闷酒,可是我想的一切朋友根本不知道,还以为是很平常 的喝酒,而且还以为我在杭州混的还可以,酒喝完我付掉帐以后口袋里只剩几个硬币了,这一切朋友毫不知情,我 心想接下来日子怎么过再说吧,路走到这一步也懒得想了,和朋友分手后整个晚上我豪无感觉地去逛西湖爬保叔山 ,爬累了就躺在石头上看看天上的星空,明天怎么办已经不去想了,走一步算一步吧,期货实在没法做下去就改行 找工作吧,就这样很迟了才回出租房睡觉,第二天过了9点也不想起来了,管他妈的期货行情是怎么样,懒的去理 了,9点过后手机响了起来,心想吵死!我懒得接。可是奇怪,响了一次又一次,最后我还是接了,这一接又让我 重新走上了这条艰难的道路,当时是一个大户(半个月前拜访过的)问我忙不忙如果不忙的话叫我帮他做期货(原 来他认为我前段时间的分析和实战指导挺准的),好了,这真是山穷水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村!绝处逢生又走 上了期货这条不归路,故事就这样残酷和简单谁叫咱们爱上它(期货)。

5 years, is to do it yourself, storm 5.6 time, couldn't tell, only remember the first time, the detonation of the suffering, hope and all the home filled with-fine man, holding a 1-year-old daughter, photography and laugh ...

Now, there hasn't been successful, but the attitude of good will admire, lose again, it does not collapse, its collapse is collapse!

I might just be wild crane said that kind of person who loves to futures trading, I like it the way I feel, is always so productive! haha

I actually don't think insipid live.

Most consecutive losses too beishi for over a year, no one is to win profits drop. (Profit drop list also onto losses come out)

That time really drops don't know drips?

Body and mind with the vigilant! is presumptuous! support my only crime of the Shawshank Redemption "Zhi Hua Castano that calm azure coast! I think we are passing through the 500 m or even longer the sewer odor incomparable must undergo severe storms wash! sometimes think their very Ah-q!

Sit next to in exchange for small Woods smoking, looking for the cause of the error!

Fozhu bless night prayer

With the migrant worker with roadside dining

Want to go out to members

Burst n times blasting cartridge accused are different (for various reasons, under the pretext of)

When do I 95 years, Suzhou red bean do backwards

I remember the first few boards a plate to pay 7 million, then spread sheet a Board compensates 10 million.

Own money to pay out less friends 10 million.

I lost 10 a week, people see me ask how fat?

One night I let my wife took the children back.

Your own home, at the thought of death.

A sleepless, early in the morning I feel my head cold, too cool.

I think I was going to die?

After getting up nothing was found when the window is the winter ...

The good news is that immediately in the stock market, copied, sole trader for other people to lose money in the futures of all earned.

This Flash cartridge on my profound influence.

The so-called once bitten by a snake, you rope!

So that other people have said that I do stock, futures guts is too small, cut of meat is faster than anyone else.

03 back to the futures market.

Invested money is only a remnant of my time, but the effort is the biggest.

Over the past three years, the Basic only days, earn a little money every year.

My biggest problem now is to turn the hands and feet, and know their own system of success, you can order quantity is too small.

No way, I know this is 10 years ago that Flash cartridge left behind the shadows.

Because futures lose money, my "Kim Hee Sun" girlfriend and I broke up with ...

Now or in the regular contact, but whenever the recall are acid feeling ... ...

Think carefully to win the world again?/? his favorite lost ... ... ...

So now they are cold-blooded, and almost no debt, for a pretty girl or just take a look at it, there is no feeling

Maybe everything is meant to be!

Look, life is very short, wonderful to live!

Support my only crime of the Shawshank Redemption "Zhi Hua Castano that calm azure coast! I think we are passing through the 500 m or even longer the sewer odor incomparable must undergo severe storms wash!


Feel the same way. First, I go back to my hometown from Shenzhen full-time do futures, and brought a crime the Shawshank Redemption "dvd, tell yourself that you're Andy, you select the Futures is sentenced to life imprisonment, as you must like Andy spent 20 years time to dig a tunnel, return to freedom. The film I saw countless times, each time to see Andy to escape from prison after driving cabriolet a gallop in the coastal road, I'll tears!

This is a good post. Each futures have their dreams, supporting the dream is a spirit: never give up!

Thank God, I am far failed, but always in the right track.
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Really brave, brave enough to face up to the blood, the courage to face a gloomy life

Will continue tomorrow!

Originally the University to learn marketing, business administration, logistics, graduate home to engage, to fire two years after graduation, stock, and went to do brokers, futures company started to enter hell and heaven, the beginning of the year, two good friends with the band-customers engage Studio, revenue objective, then, there are many twists and turns more repeatedly, numb, died

Like most futures are different, I'm lucky, home business development over the past few years, now, business succession, received a trend of futures

Have nothing to take his wife go out to play (I haven't put wine-Kazakhstan)

Now I think about it, just like a nightmare!

A few years ago doing futures, a lot of debt, the bag only 10 Yuan, also being roped in to hit $ 5 doudizhu. Okay, I'm a landlord Wang, 2 hours each to have a bomb, won the 500-living, dying so far!!!

Miserable into futures

One month 50 pound weight falls (195-145) weight loss experience: a day in a bowl of porridge, 4 Pack of cigarettes, 4 hours of sleep

Get rid of the Nazi concentration camps, I am afraid that this record is not good.

Do stock do 03, pay 1000 per week. Two years ago to do futures average weekly pay 2000 progress this year. Nearly every Monday in January. It is the most bitter tears had a person behind closed doors. People also have dog of a successful person, fortunately, sold the House to repay debts. Don't want to borrow money, now there is a depth of hold-up account, and another 27000 standby. Adhere to June, if there is still no better never to leave the market. Now the technology is not the same, but the psychological

I started in the stock on their "

A total investment of 9 million, only to have the money, never out

For ten years, has been in a loss of status

The worst time in the market and only 3 million

The good news is that I used to have a stable job, loss of life

Every large losses, I die of heart are

But every time a large amount of loss, I have one flying


My 94 year first contact futures make foreign exchange margin trading, since arrived, what about speculative does not understand, the first single will be the only 3 million on the second day, you pay the remaining 400 Ocean may I is this: the jars on the storm in the fastest

Even the poorest one phone call when money isn't enough, I remembered one thing

01 graduated for futures, our sector employment forms. Famous University computer professional. I have several students recently mixed very well. I was born like unearned, yearning for carefree life made a seemingly futures realized the most comfortable work it is the most difficult. But it hasn't regretted it, probably dedicated to, and on speculation.

Over the past few years, we have lost a lot. More than a lot of gray hair, temper also exercises a lot. Previously on nothing, really. Now often, like himself, nerves, it made money and want to go to see a psychiatrist on a regular basis.

This is really hard for several years, the debt owed by 10 million (as of soft debt, a brother-in-law of the company. Earn up to also later). 05 years ago with little more than 300 block of time, had no income, I am not a la customer material. Nobody understands me, for I eat and wear, but also comfort me. My parents knew I was in the business, instead of doing nothing, just for me worried. Guilt and let my spirit almost collapse.

I think it is very clever, before reading or too hard, there is always a very good, old Hall, should be able to do a good job futures. The two years before they see the futures market like me on the "wise men" are everywhere, who thinks he is a fool's also for futures?

When is always very miserable, contusion Mahjong lose 300 fast not to stand. There is a time to attend a wedding, I and a group of students pooled 600 per person, drink packages found sacks more coins of 5, and even wool bus do not, at this late hour had no bus. I am also just refused to ask for money, so I spent an hour walking home from the hotel.

Communication also decimated, excuse me every time I let someone pays me.

My bitterness may be compared to the upper floors of several is nothing, but I think for future physical suffering is also in the second, mostly psychological, really.

03 year followed by a master of short, its approach is similar to the one-day ad infinitum just555 dozens round. At that time managed to find a profitable models, is the imitation. 04 chronic Flash cartridge. Learn short-term original half a year is the most painful, my record is a month to win a day. Day trading is very frequent, the stop loss will soon be no profits. Hand in hand for actually lose 1 million. Remember the year April Fool's day I was playing, gestural, despair, I almost gave up, okay then. At the end of the exercise was out of a sense of barely reached a certain stage. But encountered some problems, always turn the mind does not seem to make back a few days is a big loss. Then I connected to profit when making point used to say, does not resolve the problem where the good life. Last year I kept from the account, the account from the beginning of the year by the end of the 1 000 to 1 million, but still the 2 000. But I do not regret, I understand that if you do not propose to you may also earn money to this point.

This is a bit of luck or level, and now have made tens of thousands. A little rushed out a sigh of relief, but thought that 10 million debt still feel very depressed.

I myself have a near-riot in the warehouse, but I know how many maximum losses, so the two together is around $ 30000, most notably the loss of the money I have in my life there will not be much problem!

I think we are doing the best for himself wish to better their own posterior, if the total loss of your money out, how would you do if you think well, know that the worst case, that do not late!

04 June, has been in deficit, fortunately I know here in depth, the maximum qingcang also took less than 10 per cent. This year, I felt myself maturing after the co-op to see more and more light, it slowly.

Personal feeling is that you cannot make sure that you have sufficient profitability when no zoom position, at least qingcang be alive. The current plan is to compensate for the loss, such as the zoom position.

Possible and many people than me is not bad, but I know it is not because of luck. And there will be. Don't be angry with yourself, more market-Sot. It is your own, get a family.

As for the 2 years of pain is experienced. Stand by themselves.

The sky is gray, and everything is gray, ' the haunted and regret surrounding dyed grey ....

Helpless and fear, and from all directions to yourself.

Go on the road, the heart is unable to calm volatility; reach out to, always have jitter.

Don't know what tomorrow, do not know ... ....

Been there, done that!

I think a successful trader must have which spelled death! this is very important.

Yes, it is very cruel, futures to do 10 pay 9 times, again, again, again!, then again. But you have to go to earn money as it is earned. In October 2002, 12 000 SK to 3300 (colored), watching the great bull market of copper, 2003 borrowed 1.6 do copper, catch up with the Iraq war, left to the beginning of July, 3600 people already desperate, think Tony RIBA • sand from a list, you can only do 1 soybean do hand, doing meal can do 2 hands. Didn't expect to hit back or anything, to focus the research on the market. Slowly the market, the early November, unknowingly 4 months to be 18 million.

The so-called "journey", which is dealing with or to speak with some luck. Of course, the opportunity to come to you is not ready, it is no good. Once you open the door to success, back when it was just a setback.

我最惨的时候,记得是大学和女朋友逃课回家,然后打开外汇帐户,下好单子,一觉起来,还剩38美金,几乎暴 了,现在那个帐户名字,密码都不记得了,38美金后我再也没有碰过那个帐户.那天送女朋友乘车回学校,她住 寝室,我走读的,等车像等了1年,她上车后我在风里傻坐了不知道多少时间,麻木良久,天黑了也没有注意,那 一天,我忘不了...现在我们毕业1年了,毕业没有多久她跟我分手了,原因是我又做这行了,这个分手的原因 ,我今生也忘不了...

Flash cartridge is a good thing, accelerating trend reversal of time by the deficit to earn.

Not Flash cartridge, where you can make hard,

Not Flash cartridge, what would be good to think about doing the right things.

Not Flash cartridge, where you will change your own laziness.

Yue as battlefield Flash cartridge won him the advantage of later defeat the Prince.

After the Red Army in the presence of the KMT are playing baseball.

Preventive measures:

1. do not borrow money transactions

2, use the spare money transactions, even if all lose will not affect the life

3 gold, accounts, not only out into gold, laid down the rule that the constraints you don't impulse adventure

4. profit after out gold, profit, profits after the payment, at least 50%.

5, most importantly, do not have huge profits, as a work to do.

6, as soon as possible, improve technology, uses less money to do it.

Each have a bitter tears, not mentioning, fortunately, is stable, afraid that one day all of a sudden impulse, mancang lost control of the transaction.

Transactions to a certain time, the transaction is mind, I now see expert point of view, in particular after the market test of expert opinion, due to the low immunity would have an impact on their own on the market. Believe in yourself is the best:)

For work done in the stock, ignorance, feels about Mongolia, earn a little money, no offense.

At the end of 2003 was forced to resign, contact futures so far, the first year of the micro-deficient, the second year after the deficit into profitability, because its a home with children, are not entitled to do, I'd bin distributer extension of the time I was successful, the futures of high risk transferred to family members, so I earn no more, no storm too cartridge.

The worst is the beginning of December last year, continuous operation tianjiao 4 months, regardless of fault, not a loss, then, regardless of their willing, a fearless on the market has risen from emotional quietly breeding, are aware of their mentality of strange, I want a variety of action bean reduces risk, but because her husband's intervention continues to do, as a result of a week, took four months and nearly half of the total profit, when the pain is like a heart felt hollowed out, like little strength, lunch, television singing tianzhen: dreams always to, seems to be in comfort me.

Storm losses because of his death, an experience so I could understand, no matter how many profit for each transaction set stop loss, fortunately only took 4 months to half of the profits, if the storm losses late to 10 years, 20 years or more, you can think of the pain that is now the number of times of pain, pain with advanced cancer, I'm glad so early to understand the importance of a stop loss.

Read it through. Futures do not do so miserable to do futures now. In reality, other jobs a lot, when a boss or something. My parents are from scratch.

It is important to do futures concept, a loss can be paid out of the picture. Livermore said speculation, it most definitely has a magic game. However, this game is stupid man can not play, lazy mind man can not play, and mental health can not play, try to get the adventurer can not play. These people are not involved in the end end penniless.

This market is that there are too many psychological impairment and attempt to get adventurer.
Finally, someone comes along who is willing to explain how exactly I can make my fortune trading futures, but it's in a foreign language and I don't understand a single word!

Typical - just my luck.

(I wonder if any of the Mods speak chinese - the OP could be saying anything!)
I do share five years out 90% of the funds, a brother be afraid I mad, hard to do my drag, to the leisure industry. Don't want to Debby 03 went into the future, use the "spare time" for two years repeated, until the second half of 2005 to understand the meaning of speculation, the first smell the scent of sustainable profitability, looking to front, the old tired aspect. There is no loss experience over the past few years, no more "amateur career", I really do not know what time resigns!

I do share 5 years on the first two pens earn too little has been deficient Ah on the back of the last transaction is bought at the top of the 2003 two stocks a cut from 29 to 14 from 25 a to only 3 blocks up now or 3 blocks

Then after three years of futures speculation first mancang overnight copper multilayer eating two and a half later dropped into the gold plates would not earn money every day to pay monthly pay-pay

Fortunately, finally woke up!

Futures inside are gambling, is to have the luck of the winner, is to find a better rate of more than 50% of methods-so each win, not to stop, you need luck. more terrible is that building a winning more than 50% of the trading system, the more luck, a lot of people do not have such luck, only "e'er first die, heroes tears sticky flaps."

My firm offer account, has finally come to an end of life.

Monday also funds with 2550 for two days of losses 281 block.

The remaining funds were not done to find a secluded House, rent out, then doing a review, organize,

Static hair down, such as warrants, today asked, about 5 or 6 months can be. At that time, sold and then continue.

Thank you for your interest in upstairs

His confidence too full,

I have not good perimeter effect I sleep, lack of funds has been in a State,

This time, I want great determination to solve the perimeter, warrants to sell, funds will also be a relative,

Transaction capabilities, and there is progress, the situation is in a weak balance. In the warrant to realize before I stepped up to become familiar with the theory.

I believe it will have good results.

Futures success principle in this line of long transition time is short of money, think about it, in fact, the person's IQ overall listing phase almost, mistakes, and other experts have made previously generally. Do speculative, it is best to have a guide who, in time, much faster, most people choose is behind closed doors, simply, paid a heavy price.

In the beginning was 2W, half-year to four-W that the futures market, money, do take 12 hands of soy, the second consecutive day, the night back into society and the brain. Finally understand what is the green heart of the intestines. Since then, with losses in Zhengzhou, Jimmy, Dalian soybean oil on loss of continuous heavy for several W. The last two days together more than cotton, then blast away bin from the futures markets.

The worst is that used to have a good job, then work out (because of the loss is too large for the homeless), was a very honest who learn to brag deceptive (in order to locate customer broker), in middle age there is no way to a family who could not find a new place

The worst when I love you to take women wenou: what keeps me?

And then back to go

Painful experiences do not know whether it was spared, even subsequent master

My nature is one of them, from more than compensates to 8000

Since the (mostly) not be spared

Look who came, it came out

From:, to not lose, to earn

This post say it well:

The gentleman is unnecessary

Failure would have failed, the key is what to do, after 12 years of speculation, the pain of failure, I, no matter what, but absolutely no longer admit to myself that if I Flash cartridge, more to the game, and you want to keep your little one last chance.

Early this year, 17 million mancang do sugar, 2 weeks to do nearly 200 million, after 2 consecutive fallen, fallen is afraid of the third appears directly in the warehouse, futures on the door to find the company you want me to add margin, the night live in fear, and even three days without limitation strategy ... the remaining 30 million ... no bin distributer after, 3 0 per cent of positions at most, otherwise 3 of copper began in May to 20-30 times, but does not feel pity ... ... ... ... a bin distributer who never dies, twice dead, someday you will die

Anxiety, insomnia, chest

The fastest money by playing on the bin distributer mancang & Flash cartridge

Most money of torments is doing every day, every day a little deficient

Money-making methods are still feeling their way in.

Quit do futures five months (has always been profitable), his girlfriend says can not stand me do futures left me. The week of trading very emotional, abandoned the system, the results of the week account shrunk 10 million.

Then compare the miserable.

In February this year into the city, to June 5 million deficit. Or borrow them, now do not know how

2000 into the futures market, the first single was empty at the time it is thought that squeezes in January day, time at 9840 empty, first let me earn big full Crown. Then do drop of soy may also earn lot of money, the last bin distributer after more than a single copper, priced at around that time 16000 Yam dropped all of my savings, including margin borrowing money down. Life has changed completely changed beyond. .....

To the left scars on your own, with the ability to later walks more pragmatic.

Three-year financial losses of up to seven digits, which breaking.

See the n-th, nasal acid Green

The first explosion was the most uncomfortable. At that time due to early out of some trouble provincial procuratorate daily come to me for a chat, the company is reorganized, and I lifted the contracting and about, this is going to change with the customer at the point where every day, but I also allow customers to block the police are not aggressive. You intend to use their own money to open an account do example mancang empty 708 days, started the day in one of the top of the small Yin line in null single, the price is good, the second day of the fallen, happy died. The third day after the opening of a direct hit on distance fall Board sent 30 points, excitement, a call was greeting customers, confident you can immediately start anew, call completion price to increase, dissatisfied, just two days, and cut out when the remaining No.830 dollars. Money lost, the customer has nothing, nothing!

I am the worst time, looking for loved ones, friends. But it is difficult to cost money to lend to, others look down upon you, and two thousand bucks a month, the cost of money are not willing to lend you, there is no reason for you, no one to help you, and to rely on your own

看了这些贴,忍不住也写一点,最惨的时候是怎样的,真的说不出来,记的 96年的时候认识他,一个大学生,有工作又有地位,而我是做生意的农民,那一年我26岁而他28岁,我们是 老乡。在异地特别接近,不久后我们就确定了关系,但是这一年他喜欢上期货的同时把他的积蓄亏完了,我两的婚 期就这样推迟了,97年他失去了工作,一心一意的做期货,不停的亏损和暴仓,98年开始就只好用我这里的资 金做期货,生意上开始周转困难起来,2001年我也开始借资本给他做期货,每一年的过年他都向我保证今年开 始赚钱,今年娶我过门。但是每一年都是困难的延续,债务增加,利息要付本金要还,新的资本要借,每一年都希 望他能够走才困境,我们可以结婚过日子,但是希望就是等待戈多的延续,多少个日日夜夜告诉我坚持坚持在坚持 ,也许他就可以成功,但是老天一直没有给他机会也没有给我们机会,到2003年他还是在亏损中过年,这一年 我们用分手来告诉大家最悲惨的时候,结婚的前一天他送我上火车回家,向一个大哥哥一样送妹子出嫁,相对无语 只告诉大家我们是永远的朋友,我结婚后一直在关注他的一切,而他一直在走他那一条没有办法成功的路,同样现 在的我也喜欢上期货,也许这就是命。。。。。。

I also do good because prepared, so do futures have not, of course, blasting cartridge Downs is indispensable.

Experienced a profit explosion of joy, but also experienced a profit all clawback of depressed

The deepest impression is the one by 180 million customers of Beijing into more than 50 hands copper, results in a slight negative after 2 days, 7 million mark, so the customer can not stand (she is from 500 million deficit down to a cheater trader Mont) morning ran to the futures companies out gold, 10 points out of 15 before the leave.

10: 30 after the break-up, copper has been driven up close. Then it is more than 20 consecutive red Bang-Bang, never seen Yam line. .... (Interested friends can go to glance at the k-line, I forgot the exact date, time and earn 100w should be no problem for) every time the thought of everything that flies with ate the same bad mood

Recently heard from a friend to the customer's message, is said to have been another famous Beijing futures circle braggart (known as the King of deception or fraud, the best female customers, few Chinese name each time only English names such as peter jerry, deceived once get an English name, we see that it is necessary to pay attention to) get left 10 million, and exposure to the

Estimated at worst,

Just remember the night sweat, again and again and again to

Sorry, too many people?

Time must write an essay on the tragic of speculation.
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1, mancang dead.

2, non stop dead.

3, does not have a valid holding floating win dead.

Meet the above three conditions can achieve the following results.

Is to look for the big money, the wrong Flash cartridge.

I have Flash cartridge that also meets the criteria set out above.

Remember: speculative investment = opportunity

Speculative does not wait and Gamble

Speculative does not mean that hit large-

We have seen the animal world, speculation is the African lion in watching the chance to catch their prey.

Patience, insight, and decisive.

No matter how much loss, regardless of the explosion had several storage, regardless of the futures your life becomes much worse, it is not the worst.

The worst is when you're running out of time, money, nothing, finally found a profitable ideas and methods, they play and even survival is a problem, no one believes in you, and nobody is willing to help you, you can only be as good as going to the elements: a useless hero will Sacramento!!!

Read in one breath, how to say things like just happened too ... ...

In fact, every day in the same story ...

The worst time to live for one month 100 block of houses (or one like me and do futures and rent), wake up, looked at the weekend, without asking the "there is no smoke?" and "no" answer.

And then there are "without asking for money yet?", the respective turned all pockets, feel free to spread usually change package drift, Joo 3 .8 Yuan ...

Bought a $ 1.8 kg, one of 10 human hair root, a $ 1 trial, go out and change ...

Provisional application before leaving sooner, heating rods in the flask (the bag with bounce meters) a bottle of gruel, drank ...

Went, sunshine, there is a bird flying in the sky, ...

The taste of borrowing money is like a knife, scraping their ribs on the meat, the pain, you have to ask someone else to "laughing hard scratch, scrape clean something, here is" pain, "too few days also grow" ...

Remember that after a big loss, feeling extremely depressed for a few hours at the attractions of the city streets, everything is so far away.

The underground passages, he heard a strength of guitar singer sings: "there is a beautiful new world, it's in there for me ..."

At that time, tears streaming down! that touched, that kind of shocked that I impressed!

Then I realized that song is the Bai's brave new world ", so read the Tao Jiang Wu and starred in the movie" brave new world ".

Today, the brave new world "still is my favorite song, and have been I heard countless times,

However, the tears, spiritual, but could not find ...

Last year, I entered the market in October, I have no Flash, they have a warehouse funds 50 000, made two months took 36000 blocks, with the remaining money 13000, account, and then there were 1000, retention of this account. This year, but 10.23 to 3400 block her account, you can only do corn, wheat, beans, oil. Now your account has 4758 Yuan, I would like to use this money to turn over, on the day of its own funds 11.09 are 5400 pieces that they have 4 hand wheat, 1743, the price of wheat fell as a result 11.10 21 points, own more than Jimmy, 4 hand took 580 quick left this money. Two years ago, and last year, your own business by 50 million originally divided into October 5 million more funds, I have a friend do futures, earn some money, he said: I took more than half a million, you want to stand up and do the fastest, futures on there is stock, so I open an account, do futures. Results or accompany the money, I do business in more than 50 sure-fire is borrowed, originally have 30 million, in fact, own a total of around 80 million, more than half a million are my friends, relatives, classmates, as well as loan sharking, and had 5 million deficit 36000 quickly, take out my 13000 also took account, do not know my fortune 4758 fast can earn in the future I'll come back on the 50 000, I am entirely in the hands of a family torn asunder, only rely on futures.

Remember very well that time I lived in Dalian, Wanda Hotel 12/f, futures company friends to me for dinner, he looked at me very stable, with no signs of the spirit TRANS-off, as is also capable of stable housing, he thought I had the money or or have it, so the atmosphere was a bit toned down.

After a meal and you'll find the room to rest for half an hour later he returned again, because it's too hot at noon time.

So the brothers there watching TV "long March", I pretended to sleep over body facing the wall, but when you hear a song, "10 get red, my tears can't flow out.

Cry no sound no action, only I know until he is leaving, and I haven't stopped tears.

Now I remember that time quilt cover, as soon as a point of tears.

Too bad, what's up, only the 10 get red of know.

Always thought the tears have dried, taste and bitter and salty, and always thought that the Rainbow is coming, I have to go farther and farther in the storm, this luxury good sad, this generation wants to say that silence, I knew this fate by heaven, I'd go as far, maybe the hair has been unable to cover, I would like to wait at, maybe I will, I want to move.
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Finally, someone comes along who is willing to explain how exactly I can make my fortune trading futures, but it's in a foreign language and I don't understand a single word!

Typical - just my luck.

(I wonder if any of the Mods speak chinese - the OP could be saying anything!)

It does not matter,I will seek some people(in my country's "Chaoke forum") for translation.
Did not want to see this post: what's worse than who? be energy on how to do a good job! finally in 8 months, on numerous occasions to see after looking at this post! — — — — a lot of brothers were moved by the experience and thought let me touch!

This sister's experience is that I couldn't help but cry! — reminds me of my own experience:

Originally, and his wife feelings very well, just married, there are an infinite life. 94 years I began to make stock, let's look at the stock actions learned "and the" magic weapon ", her short help me calculated strength index and moving average, I paint. A lot of stock of k-line drawings are attached to the wall. Very happy:)

But I was naturally the "decent work" the number of people, there is no sense, no goal, or cannot be sustained, despite resignation in 2000, a full-time stocks (and soon a presentation are unwilling to wait a minute) Although there is no loss of money, but never succeeded, so that my wife is getting lost patience — she is a proud, but I have no target.

Take a look at the stock market at the end of Feb hopeless, began to get involved in futures. Is resolved:) but being hoodwinked do Amway, NT account bought 4 hand held, ready to 14000, resulting in a profit of $ 640 open (deducted charges), out of gold. For a while to find out how Amway, not for me, this period to futures and they told me: it's a pity you can earn 10 million! Yes, than I had expected to reach a target position! finally determined above 15000 back do futures!

Only 2 million accounts, do Amway spend quite a lot, but also save some living expenses — wife gradually lost faith in me — and I still feel sorry for her: (

April, a wave of soybean meal prices for a week to earn nearly 200 points, funds rose to around 36000. This is undoubtedly good news. My wife with me having to buy a House — no need to receive accommodation units, 2000 to buy a House, a dedicated stocks didn't make money, prices have been going up! I and his wife lived two two live, think sorry for her!

03 Jun 2001, my worst day: tianjiao experience after crash, in the above shocks, this 11000 day up fake breakthrough! I was always empty — that adjustment does not fully — though the medium-term perspective, to September 13000. Debby, morning dish buys open 6 hands, thought should be able to earn a 300 to 400 points. I then funding is more than 6 points, 32000 hands! and opened the store and went to the bookstore. Back to the end, basically in two and fell is about 200 points, hesitated, stop loss, not to wish to stay. — Unfortunately, looming!

Weekend watch at home and my wife, my wife said it: not important) — I feel is a very bad mood!

Monday: 8 band breakage, no signal! quickly ran to the futures companies — didn't let taxi – 9: 05 to shuffle, low, close to the limit. No idea — the second secondary seal stopping plate moment closed it, and then there are very few deal!

In the afternoon, my wife called to ask — and I and my colleagues are pre-programmed, I said "okay", hung up the phone, I put my colleagues killed that day to let 9 child (children up to 9 no)!

Then it is strong, strong, and when the last hand their own flat. Turning-point occurred after the courage to open with a sigh of relief washed over 130 00.

However, I always believe that I will succeed! this point and many friends is the same as lost and gone!, lost, woke! is a step by step towards success!

Here also wish you all: enjoy the future may have in store!, ultimately, success!

Full 紙 penned a bitter ~

Are the author's online solution of cloud during the taste 癡

Looking at the experiences of their forms tx, thinking about my own life 8 years of futures, and. .. Tears in the eyes go a few turns, I didn't make it for a minute that flow out. Faint again, let's point on cigarettes.

Down view, see page 14.

The original than I am bitter than I had to go to sea.

I was the most bitter in Shenzhen, the daily walk home from futures companies — to take two hours and 40 minutes, in order to save 2 cents (morning do not dare rely on walking, because that's influence). Eat your meal, with most when buying a dollar a day of fresh vegetables (remember that kind of SilkWorm, food, eat people are tired of Askew), one-third of the night, eat a little bit in the morning, when the box lunch leftovers brought up the company.

The most powerful is this: I was a university student fleeing to me that love out of his University after a bit of a problem, not the spirit of smoking won't. I was practically begged him to quit smoking, they had to be cut. He still can't. I have to offensive to him once bought a "temeisi", which can save a packet of cigarettes.

Days of a month ago, a friend to go home and get married. I have to ping the cartridge. Results realized prices, wheat prices, I see a blank single Ah, really bad luck to everything. Do the right thing will earn less.

I have to use the remaining two, cannot have at that time, I used a friend's account transactions that he agreed with me to use his money overdraft — I'm very grateful to him.

Results 30 point rebound 2004.1.14 only me to wash out.

In the evening, the spirit is not a normal Guy suddenly normal encourage me, give me back my burning feet of water.

Sympathy, I decided to pull yourself together.

Hair, a fellow open restaurant side dishes, and the first from 1.15 until completing, remember 2.25, finally mixed over the years.

Most memorable was the end of the two bowls and mutton, suddenly it's all too easy on the floor of the air — I didn't expect my balance is good, but did not fall, and the happy, more than one Board is also pleased to earn. Every day, more than 70 stairs. Eat my worst, I estimated a meal and eat eight two-bar, hotel yourselves, this point well.

30 in the evening and the guys to talk into the night, eat pork intestines of hotel brought back chatting barbecuing, life, feel very free and easy. (2006 I went back to see him in Shenzhen to a translation company-translation or immiscible thousands of January, and went to the restaurant meal, feelings, still point to the intestine:)

Then I had to leave. Go to Guy left 80 and a pack of cigarettes, he stayed as pitifully fled to the monitor that Chongqing University.

Then back home, my father lost his temper, to burn me all futures book, I was almost going to burn.

It is the most sad, then finally not willing victims of crimes.

Later, doing business, half-year.

Don't want to do it, dad have nothing to mention futures.

Escape from the House to Lijiang, continue, go on... ...

As long as people do not die, it's no big deal.

Did not want to write, seeing so many friends say the truth. I could not help.

We live, we hope.

I was doing, seems to be starting at 4100 empty, a 150-sheet total of empty or 250 sheets remember.

Remember to cut 50 spare room to tell I just turned 34, I said the rest of the withdrawal. Then the little girl was tensions ran across is a 16, 34 Zhang deal, this 18 has sent more than 8000. I want to have to say. In fact, the loss of money for me, it is not a decimal. Unfortunately, the little girl I once the securities company.

Look at the remains of tears, sincerely hope friends of suffering an early difficulties, I am not almighty Buddha, cannot save the suffering

Sentient beings, can only make a small Buddha's intentions.

04, 05, 45 million loss, explosion, three back all the way down the line, don't think too hard, 06, no-loss, time has come, I just finished a short, usually a month profit in a couple of days away ... ... recently happened, nearly six months, has been wandering in the hopes and disappointments, in the back and forth between heaven and hell, ... ... ... ... Ah ... now.

Time is not a body

But the soul

Money is not terrible

Terrible losses were also not aware of possible non-earned

See the thing is not terrible

Terrible darkness

Brother, I was learning the science was still only. I and you sent the ball, has finished stock, the third stock to 2200 multipoint, changed out futures, is inside the "ditch the micro Dragon."

Later discovered that those classmates when University teacher, I was wandering, like Su chaher-Chan.

Oh, but I this optimism. Now although still no money, nothing to cruise swimming drink wine that is also very easy, because no girlfriend, no more sad scene.

Do stock after graduation in oxtail and several years of big bear, big profit storm to futures, running more than 1 day. Job gave up a lot of opportunity, should have a national reputation for the quality of researchers a little bit. Now only a small head, gave life abroad.

How to earn money, time and energy spent many, many more. The only advantage is getting to know stock, futures markets, the risk of having a better understanding of life, more optimistic on the face of difficulties, of national policies and delusions, unfortunately for a few years later the family a better life.

But now slowly becoming investment, stocks, futures are stable profitability, our work also has a lot of improvement, maybe this is the success of experience. I almost spent 6 years in the hope that this 6 years experience for future life easier!

Wealth is not in hurry door

June 15, 2006 to begin learning stocks & futures

Capital: ¥ 67,000

Recovering waste unit (defence and military unit g Changfeng), and bin distributer

Two days of losses by 15% and was laughed at his wife unlimited

Later, see Peter. Lynch books

He said: buy your favorite company stock, and then hold a bull market

I like the China Merchants Bank and ICBC and wanke, bought the China Merchants Bank and ICBC and vanke

Now 30% profit


63 the principal. 5w

Start love bin distributer, 80 hand soybean oil highest day float win 24 million, and later played for 15 million loss.

Now the General Ledger also losses 7w

Want to know that money is the loss of profit, but not forever, as long as you live in this market, there is always a chance.

Therefore, only be able to take the stand position. Built over time, the first thought is that I can play as much money as the kitchen sink, I can play position, but the kitchen sink, less money, financial security comes first.

Make your own ability to earn money, not that it is your own, don't go to fever. .... Hand to hand.

Stupid than others, no relationship can be harder than others.

Want fries ' brothers new year more

People who live there, don't be afraid to fail, it will be your endless wealth do not more hasty of futures, takes time to build the so-called power come, if you haven't successfully, you still have enough effort, persistence, perseverance, black night club has its end, and with encouragement from friends.

Nonsense about

I think .... upwind station [and] ... blood Thom

It should be all the peers of self-help approach

Flowing long

Oneis memory can be

I could drink a bit more

But I'm sure didn't express error

Useful if the tears

Then use?

哪想到那时还不是最惨的.后面更惨,真正的苦不堪言.目前走出点困境来了.还好有朋友帮忙.现在没心情细说 .但愿明年能成功吧.三万资金朋友借8万给我不要利息做融资放大主做日内单.第一个月没挣也没怎么亏.这个 月上周一连5天挣钱了,挣了3.9万.还掉外债部分解决了燃眉之急的资金四万..8月份时借了朋友两万老婆 家一万三万融资7万做日内短线不到一月亏到只有6000.后来靠这六千到10月底后挣到两万.再跟兄弟拿了 一万也是三万.这次是朋友融给我的8万不要利息的.8月暴掉那户借的朋友的这两万.是我最好的朋友的.他就 只有四万存款.一万借给了他姐.两万借给了我.到10月份他爸得了癌症花掉了一万.而到元月的话他老婆的预 产期到了要生小孩.到10月时我老婆又怀上了.而且不管怎么样这个一定要生就是跟我离婚将来要饭她也要把这 个孩子生下来.当时想想真是自己连想死的资格也没有...自己有两个孩子要养.朋友的钱不能不还(小孩要出 生了.父亲的癌症了,不说我有钱该借他,现在倒是我借了他的钱了).还有些别的困难更是苦不堪言就不细说了 .明年就是做了11年期货了.希望以后会成功吧.成功了的话真想写本书说说这十几年来的期货生涯.总之是苦 不堪言.目前又看到点希望了.今年是最倒霉的一年了.今年一开头我就知道兆头不好小心小心还是躲不过去.总 算过去了但愿明年会更好.真心感谢帮我的朋友

刚洗澡去了,那是我帮我一个亲戚做的股票帐户.自己是没做股票了.99年做过两年.做这个耐心不足.去年买 铝期货时我就帮他买的600205山东铝业9.69买的10.71就卖了.后来自己买糖期货时我就帮他换成 0833贵糖股份.4.3买的涨6.8就卖了.卖了没多久就涨到13块多...现在买的0960是看到lm e的锡收出七小阳后有破10000的可能而打开上涨空间才买的这个股票.不打算乱动这个股了.锡的基本面基 金还是看好的.供需缺口06年是三千吨明年是一万吨会更紧张.08年是三千吨.所以打算留长线了.股票大盘 也是个大牛是以年为单位的上涨类似于是93年的启动点.到2001年结束的牛市结构.那是长达八年的牛市. 2001年调到2005年调的周期是四年多.这次起动点是个新的起涨点.选个好股拿个数年会有不错的收益的 .所畏三年不开张.开张吃三年啊.近五年不开张.开张了吃个五年的牛市该没问题吧.这第一波我看要到明年五 月份才会有大的调整.节后第一个交易日涨第一名的股票都值得观注的.起码短线就会有个不错的涨幅.也就是说 第一交易日所两市所有只要是涨停了的股票都是很好的观察对像其中将有80-90%的股票将在一月内会有不少于30-40%的升幅的.其中还会偶翻倍的...去年第一个交易日涨第一名山东黄金.招商银行.2000年涨 第-名的是上海梅林.2003年是厦门信达跟另一只网络股.2004年是上海贝岭.还有就是农历年第一个交易日 涨第一名的也是可以观注的2003年的深深房.2004年的小鸭电器0951...不一一举列了.这可是绝 招哈.不信每年去看看吧.只要不贪30%是有的.某些可以翻倍的

刚把所有帖子看过一遍.深有感触.要说我最悲惨的经历还在做股票的时候.还在读大学的时候,我把手上的压岁 钱和每月150块的生活费大部省下来(我是读师范的,有补助),从2900元起,刚够买100股宝安的,后 来又找哥哥姐姐舅舅表妹借了点钱,筹到的本金多少也记不清啦,1\2万吧,当时是熊市93-94年,炒股票赔多赚少.真正赚到第一笔钱是买新股抽签表,逃课跑到惠州买tcl抽签表,买了5000张1 万元,满满的一提包.中签率我还记得千分之2.46,中了6千多股.我可没这么多钱认购,就找我姐夫把他要 买房的钱借出来全部认购.tcl上市后,资产很快到10万左右.但我贪心了,钱没有立即还,接着炒股.94 年的脉冲行情,开始怕,没敢进,一进就套在200点附近.后来没有任何动作,最悲惨的时候到了,转年姐夫买 房,我把钱还了,很低的地方卖出,剩下2\3万,然后找工作花了2万左右,剩9千左右,这时,我借其他人的 钱还都没还,是名副其实的负资产.想想,这第一次大亏的经历还是跟期权有关咧!



Stop the hopes and fears in transactions

Don't stick to a wrong path, which will further

Good luck!!!

Hey, I said to myself how much time do not bin distributer. Unfortunately, the first two days in a bad mood, bin distributer countless small earned a 1 million after the last burst bunker red to 8 million. The good news is that I can add points, but the deficit of the State of mind with when doing earned is FABI. Is wary of their own did not have confidence.

7. 5 million into the city, and a month can make a ten thousand, do good futures mixed when betting, losers!

Owed by many accounts, the mentality is different, and later during his diskless feeling!

As also, gambling Baccarat. ..... When you do not win. And I lost everything

One can look down and really good gas perfluorooctanoic acid, maybe I had the good fortune to do futures now! almost two months, doing a little deficient single, feel good deal, but many other mancang losses 500 points, zinc, or do not think you look in the wrong direction, going up the funds came in! in this crisis I know my teacher, he asked me to do at once time, empty! I'm stubborn, finding even the wrong also to be wrong, but I don't know why I listened to his (now understood that fate) was also a bit! maybe fear of loss, a month-long hard-earned money seeing no! may be a bit nervous! I listened to his teacher if you have been! do 10 single, small loss of a single (the teacher also blames)! take this post to say that the teacher ... thank you!

Worst of all, when their money is over, but also borrowed wife 20a, results and over, after my wife and I fired, results in the street and pick up a six-month water bottles! nothing at all, but a good point, there is a second wife, there are eight children, together with futures.
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The worst of times, I do a bit of a metamorphosis, such as the recent ws709, watching the price is not working properly, looked at the Green buy, it should be empty, 1-bean soft corner, the idea of metamorphosis, for I also bought, 1/3 warehouse 1828 bought ws709, think green, I, your brother, you still have to estimate the impact of 1900 up, as investors, no delivery in recent months, I am sure for empty variety to get you, wait till you get over I sell you 2 times, not to the few trading days, as up to 1900 at positions 1 898; now that have earned it.

In fact, the idea is to have a problem, and the market and Sot

At times like these birds were corner; an experience, corner of things, always rushed 1 within a few days, get into, if you dare to buy. You'll get it, such as qingcang 2 hands, but also quite interesting, acquaintance, experience accumulation 1

The plot is, the current wheat prices I feel is often lost in these areas

The worst time of the year 2004 is empty, copper, copper 30000 down did not dare to empty, then rebound, then 1 k line of copper, very characteristic, 60 are line look very strong, almost impassable, 60 line probably 26500 bare copper, profit, then suddenly there's a thought, since rising copper can continue so long, and should be similar, all day trying to empty the copper, we all know, the loss to the Fund of 1/3, fortunately later in a 1/3 cartridge principle (thanks to the principles), do not afford the copper, all day thinking about how empty copper. Through this, combined with the experience of the other several times, then I give myself up that earns a variety, it must be done from another variety, we can try, the effect is very good, because you know of one variety, there will always be 1 day will kill you, like me, the market has one error in waiting for you, there is a certain amount of sense. Do with 1 varieties!

Futures trading it, successful people dead and thousands of people.

So for most people, this can only be considered a luxury toy.

In tough do you still have enough patience to wait for the right opportunity.

Your speculative literacy and whether you have the opportunity to filter probability advantage.

Finally after long term unprofitable you will relax the disciplinary requirements, a lost out.

Too much is too much ...

From WTO in September last year, nearly a year of time.

The oceans, from the opening deficit nearly 5000 50 per cent.

With an understanding of futures so far, have not fully aware of her!

To see a lot of seniors experience, feel or small shrimp.

Bachelor degree in two years, the company has treated me and gave me a House, gave me the opportunity.

This is determined, a graduate student! after graduation, restructuring the company back Corp., ready-to-market!

And so we'll have money left over for commodity futures market!

Goodbye futures, my love!, me!

I started doing in the first half of 2005 to early 2006 futures, stop-loss, on the whole.

At the beginning of the first half of the frequent manipulation, variety, overall losses of money; the second half of the operations or fewer, most of the money, but overall it to make money, make early losses.

06 beginning other reasons to leave the market, up to now has nothing to do, but I'd been watching the market concerned about the market, leaving a $ 100 fee, holding down inside.

I would like to have the opportunity, I will come back, but many will be mature, it is in the affirmative.

In the previous paragraph we're at the half-year of one's capital, an error within a week, only 60% good nnd! my mindset, not too much to heart, and a month mancang basic return money, Eve also mancang empty corn 805 (short weipan quilt cover, on the ground remain in the warehouse, had planned to positions). To sum up: each time the offense is very difficult to know the great mancang the, at the same time I also noticed that the days of the band mancang correctly make money very quickly, after all, I decided to toss a doubling every year, or less, the only for 1-3 times is enough, the market while it is possible to fish in troubled waters, after all, it's not that I can make money.

Do futures year, beginning with a few months.

Now, or profit, in the past year maximum loss nor-20%

If you want to calculate Flash cartridge words only on October 9, the sugar, the funds became a settlement price-15000

Just lose money psychology-... is dedicated to the futures of resignation,

05 summer listening to friends do make money exchange is very good, he said that my own stock exchange has been doing to earn (in fact, I have been subsequently took him to tell me the truth he also deficient) then 05 autumn opened an account with 1000 dollars, before and after about 3 to 4 months, Flash cartridge

A break of one year, the month of August, 2007, 2 million opening futures, leaving more than 9000

Recently, with heavy losses, the mother's

Feeling very strange, like soybean obviously always looks good, but they do more in debt

Also he kept telling myself obviously how Bull s ** t

The result is the loss

Well, now that I think a few large losses are details determine success or failure

Mostly nothing erosion to meters, turn a xiaobianyi results for punters

Waiting for you a cut of meat market will return to your original favourable direction

So think of Futures is also very simple, in fact, 50% success rate

The line of the industry to successfully achieve 50%? there is almost no

However, in theory, the success rate of 50%, you just need one: that is, or empty until doubled or Flash cartridge

However traders are trading number n times the probability of success to a 2, one of the n-th minute

Every cut of meat A element or A profit of $ B and B can be regarded as a capital of a small collection

When A defect is 50%, full of B is 50% of win

Results once the transaction after n-th mancang, meet lose

This is the reason for the failure

So it is best to futures once, either totally or doubles

I just entered this industry at La days up words later, speaking to 3 days before 30% in deficient la after 5 days of no-loss does not earn so la 1 day 20% no la principal shrunk by 50 per cent now also good funds. I do how do stock has one month to 10 per cent of the winnings to do what is a futures? end experience prawns on the sword, dwelling on the transaction is really a control yourself, make la point ran La La is resistant to stress, its always violate the principles of the transaction, to the point advice mancang.

05 listening to a well-known analyst, strategic air copper said 3 months after the loss to finish, to die, but think of the parents are still alive, I do not know what it is now.

Call voice cafés. The ins and outs of labour took 10 000, burst again prond!!!.

The most difficult time, mother of the Endowment money to me, to pay his debts, Oh Laoleizongheng!!!

The good news is that day who, standing up, is a true man!


A few years after my coming all the way to white sugar and vegetable oil has been out to March 4. Finally, through that day have 2.8 million, because the accounts under the conditions of the Exchange margin, to the closing of the operation, my years after losing away basically back funds to 7.6 million, day 4-and-forth, then eat in the 3 mancang are plummeting. March 12, out of my capital is over 26 000, I am very happy that day all positions took 60 000 to old Fengxiang bought two root 100 grams of gold for my mother. March 14, I bought 20 hands in January, when the sugar price, 4620 into positions in over the weekend, on Monday, opening the day before yesterday, I took the 100 point also cut out, then the brain fever has acquired, then all the way down, I've had to limit opening, and later into the open several times, but I don't want to cut down to a close, the results of Tuesday's opening on to a 6% drop, I may not be a lot of companies strong position in this way, two days I had lost 75% of the capital.

Very good post and read so sad.

All fried keli friends, let us encourage each other in the futures on the way of running forward!

Greetings everyone!

The most depressing is the subsidiaries and customer disputes, I think we should have gone. But the worst when I remember the wife and children lived in a rented house, the parents gave the money spent, son ate my salt boiled beans, I asked the Nice, he said, in fact, where delicious taste, is not to eat it. .....

<记的偶最痛苦时只能看盘,因为完全没钱已经输光,吃饭是家里养着> difficult, always, never surrender! Although this is correct, but the reality is not the correct drop, only their own grasp that work best for your own road., I will never turn face futures! but the important thing is to have food to eat. this point is very easy to meet the demanding and sometimes people, so the pain! < worth sticking with fine!! >

Speculators are a gambler, anymore, Dragon 4 said: "a win is a win, lose is lost. "Zero-sum game. If you use the 1/10 of the funds to do that is equivalent to cash funds trading, risk levels naturally degrade. Therefore the source of the loss not only come from the direction of the judgment, but also to leverage big lever. Risk is not a market for you, but your own.

Good tips!

"Hell is the CK died needlessly attached", chilling, each futures everyone should see, in particular the novice, this is a required before launching.


浮亏300块,砍掉了100块,痛不欲生,借酒消悲,大醉,把车撞到了水泥栏墩上,动弹不得.下来让路人帮 忙把车抬下来,车算争气, 逃离现场后再也不动了.打电话让人拿绳子来拖,很晚了找不到绳子,就用废弃的接音响喇叭的线蛮干,拖几十米 断一下,结上再拖,再断,再结,再拖,真是个霉啊,搞了好多次,音响线越结越短,最后不能再结,两部车要绑 在一起了,只好不停打电话,拼命打,最后找到了朋友,维修厂拖车来把车弄走, 俺才解放了.当时车上还有美女,所幸大家只受了点皮外伤. 没伤自己人也没伤外人,以此自我打气壮胆------ 大难不死,必有后福.真神,过几天后行情逆转,解套不说,割掉的也捞回来了.

In this commemoration.

Had intended to open an account to participate in China Eastern Airlines in early August, but think of the last few years have never even a cell phone, but to buy a college classmates to help you open an account. Results message delays en route, and later the customer information was lost and mailed back. Get good families, delayed for a week and this week's beans fell himself expected.

Behind the market hard to do, I had to do some small shocks of maize inside and earn some money. Autumn is coming, I almost didn't go home for three years, then went home. Home to the introduction of a girlfriend, or looking for a personal home for his parents peace of mind is fine, I so Mid-Autumn Festival started online and chat with the girls. I didn't expect. Result after doing a single start distraction free, national day leave a lot of corn. The result is, of course.

Early on in the plastic head spinning null, the result of two plates are cut out. Just make yourself one, bought in, didn't think the market will, in turn, on the same day. Finally, he became afraid to face the loss of the ostrich. .....

11.20 days late and in pain. The second day, decided to cut the plastic sheet.

Only half of the funds.

The worst of times. But they themselves have begun to observe. So he made and the girls refused, anyway I know continue also be.

In recent days in reflection.

Four words: blinded.

Then have the experience and wisdom, as long as fascinated by profit, also do not see the risk.

The good news is that you keep half the funds.

As long as you stick to familiar species, but also can earn it back.

This loss. I paid more than the previous price. Almost certainly, even if you have, it will take months or even more time.

This industry, in the absence of opportunity, the rest of the cost is minimal. No opportunity, no matter how hard does not.

If JUST555 predecessors said: time to decide the fate of character, determine success or failure.

Stay in this post, I hope they never forget this lesson. Forever!
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最惨是3.27国债 天天涨板跑不出来!

我们公司几百个客户 最后只有5个没有暴仓 穿仓!

那时候看看自己 看看别人 感觉好象世界末日到了.....

一个好公司 瞬间灰飞湮灭!




























































家人和朋友 一直在身边, 已是身在幸福之中

等到, 熬过去的时候, 才 觉得, 生命已经渐渐老去..... 青春易逝......

宝贵青春年华 用来 追逐.... 粪土....

到头来, 心底 总觉得, 什么 都不如.....远远不如 好好地过好青春的日子 , 过好那 人生的 10多年 黄金岁月 ....

如果上天 再给我一次选择的机会, 我会 选择好好过好青春的日子, 其他的什么鸡巴成功、什么鸡巴伟大理想、什么鸡巴毛远大前程, 统统都是 放屁、放狗屁。。。。

在街上看到 那些 老去的人们, 时间在他们脸上留下垂垂老矣 的 刺青, 我就会想 “我到了他们那样, 要钱有什么用呢? 到了那样的年纪, 爱与生命, 就像寒风中哆嗦的树叶, 除了做事业还有什么可以做呢?”

我经常想起 韩国片《青春》 里面的一句台词: 在你们这个年纪, 感情来得容易。

耗费 宝贵青春年华 追逐粪土, 尤其是自己已经 理解 " 其实快活和自在不需要多少钱, 家人和朋友 一直在身边, 已是身在幸福之中" 的时候, 真是........

谨以此纪念 自己 充满遗憾 和 错过 的 宝贵年华


I come from China.
I am a professional commodity futures traders!
I hope make friend with who in commodity futures trading friends.