The UK Trader's Bible, by Dominic Connolly


The UK Trader's Bible, by Dominic Connolly, is the only comprehensive UK-published guide to short-term trading. Combining detailed reference information with the author’s advice on strategy and tactics, this book is essential reading for every serious trader in the UK.

The 10 key things featured in the book:

- Detailed descriptions of the different trading platforms (SEAQ, SETS, SETSmm, SEATS Plus) on the London Stock Exchange.
- How to deal inside the spread in market making stocks and get the best price.
- How auctions work on the London Stock Exchange platforms.
- The importance of direct market access for active traders.
- The secrets of programme trading, index arbitrage and block deals.
- How the cash, futures, lending and derivatives markets interact.
- The secrets and risks of short selling.
- Which directors’ deals to follow and which are irrelevant.
- How to make money from takeover situations.
- Secret strategies from an established and successful trader.

This title is currently available at a 40% discount from the Trade2Win Bookshop. This offer will run until the 30th June.
"Secret strategies" from a successful trader?

Thats it then. The market is finished
why do so many books aim to reveal "secret" strategies It really puts me off a book - it sounds so gimmicky.
Cz4802 wrote:

“why do so many books aim to reveal "secret" strategies It really puts me off a book - it sounds so gimmicky.”

I wouldn’t let the advertising blurb put you off – this is a solid and comprehensive guide to UK stock market which has clearly been written by a market professional. It’s an excellent book, and essential reading IMO.



When the "secrets" are revealed and anyone in anywhere in the world can learn those secrets, it is like saying: how to get free money from the bank.

Since anyone from anywhere in the world can get free money from the bank, why are there still so many poor nations around many where in the world?
Trading success relies entirely on the few taking as much as possible from the many. Based on that it is simply not possible for the majority to be profitable and never will. The truly successful traders specifically aim to maximise the loss incurred by those they trade against and this is why the majority will lose and just a few will reap the rewards.

specifically aim to maximise the loss incurred by those they trade against

Looks as if the truly successful traders are intentionally causing the losses suffered by the majority?

Don't all traders agree to put their money at risk before they are allowed into the trading game? If the majority lose, that's losing with their own consent.
Don't all traders agree to put their money at risk before they are allowed into the trading game? If the majority lose, that's losing with their own consent.

Yes I agree which is why it is all legal and above board but doesnt alter the intention of the participants. There have been several disagreements concerning whether trading is a zero sum game or otherwise on T2W. My experience is that overall very few people make money and the vast majoirty lose it which would support the above view that it is a zero sum game.

If the loser has read the Risk Disclosure and has disclosed his own financial and other circumstances before being allowed to open an account, that can show his consent, but it doesn't show the intent of the truly successful traders, especially when trading is done anonymously. How is the winner going to know from whom he wins from, and how can the loser know to whom he loses to?

The money has to come from somewhere and go to somewhere else, the loser, the broker, the winner.
How is the winner going to know from whom he wins from, and how can the loser know to whom he loses to?

He / She doesnt know and it is not a requirement that they do know.

Neg-sum game in a zero-sum world

Trader333 said:
the intention of the participants

The intention of the participants is to make money in the short term, or failing that, the long term. As far as I can tell, nobody cares who it comes from!

Trader333 said:
My experience is that overall very few people make money and the vast majority lose it which would support the above view that it is a zero sum game.

We have a different understanding of what a zero-sum game is, or we're talking about different 'games'.

Money is (in theory/the long-term) neither created or destroyed, so the 'universe' containing the 'game' must be zero-sum. Brokers, data feed-providers, PC-manufacturers, and tea- and cleaning-ladies all take money from traders, i.e. take money out of the 'game'. Unless there's someone out there putting EXACTLY the same about of money into the 'game' (pension funds? newbies/net losers?), the 'game' can't also be zero-sum. That means it's probably slightly-positive sum or slightly-negative sum - probably slightly-negative, else we'd have fewer brokers and fewer ways of broking (e.g. spread- and now binary-betting) and more billionaire traders.

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I agree and the only reason I stated that the view of it being zero sum can be supported by evidence is that on another thread a long time ago there were views that trading stocks could be a positive sum game. However, this would rely on an ever increasing population which is not ultimately possible.

I am curious how money can never be created or destroyed as I thought that was energy and is known as the Law of Conservation of Energy. If this is the case then how do things get added value (as they do in manufacturing), and also when the population of planet Earth was only a few thousand the amount of money available was substantially less than is now the case ?

Not that it really matters to me I am just curious of this view

Mayfly said:
Cz4802 wrote:

I wouldn’t let the advertising blurb put you off – this is a solid and comprehensive guide to UK stock market which has clearly been written by a market professional. It’s an excellent book, and essential reading IMO.




Thanks Mayfly - I'll get a copy.