Chart patterns


In the late summer issue of Traders World, there is an interview of Dan Zanger. Who supposedly made 44 million in the stock market. His 2 favorite chart patterns are the bull flag and the cup and handle. Does anyone know what a "bull flag" pattern looks like? Also does the cup & handle have to be upright or can it be upside down? Does the handle have to be in front or behind the cup?Thank you.
Easyman said:
In the late summer issue of Traders World, there is an interview of Dan Zanger. Who supposedly made 44 million in the stock market. His 2 favorite chart patterns are the bull flag and the cup and handle. Does anyone know what a "bull flag" pattern looks like? Also does the cup & handle have to be upright or can it be upside down? Does the handle have to be in front or behind the cup?Thank you.
Try here Easyman,
Easyman said:
In the late summer issue of Traders World, there is an interview of Dan Zanger. Who supposedly made 44 million in the stock market. His 2 favorite chart patterns are the bull flag and the cup and handle. Does anyone know what a "bull flag" pattern looks like? Also does the cup & handle have to be upright or can it be upside down? Does the handle have to be in front or behind the cup?Thank you.

I wud also look at A&E and E&A (Adam, Eve) tops and bottoms which are versions of C&H (well that is actually debatable). They usually deliver VERY well.
Cup and handle is also discussed in the book CANSLIM. I haven't read it in a few years but I do remember that pattern being discussed repeatedly. If I recall correctly, I believe he always discussed the upward breakouts using it and the handle was always on the right.

china white said:
I wud also look at A&E and E&A (Adam, Eve) tops and bottoms which are versions of C&H (well that is actually debatable). They usually deliver VERY well.
Is this the same as Jiler's 'saucer {with/without handle] formation?

And in what way is it debatable that A&E are not versions of C&H?
Open your brower and type in "cup and handle formation". Do the same with "bull flag formation". After you've studied the C&H, look at the weekly Gold chart, if it's futures you're trading.
edit: Weekly and/or monthly.
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TheBramble said:
Is this the same as Jiler's 'saucer {with/without handle] formation?

And in what way is it debatable that A&E are not versions of C&H?

They're all variations of the Retracement -- CWH, Phoenix, saucer, VV, UU, V, U, Ross Hook, Dunnigan One Way, Bull Flag, A&E, E&A, A&A, E&E, reverse H&S ad infinitum -- and the criteria for success are the same. If the prerequisites aren't there, e.g., a strong trend, then the looks of the pattern aren't going to matter.