practice day trading


i found this a while ago

Welcome To Stock Reflex - Your Stock Market Analysis Tool with a Twist

which is a program that goes day by day in the history in a stock to let you decide if you want to buy or sell to practice with a stock. i like it although it is simple, doesnt have enough indicators etc.

i was wondering if anyone knew any similar programs but for day trading so that i can do some practice. i never really could get interested in paper trading, some reason i prefer the real thing or software simulation.

Are you asking for details of demo accounts?

Seems a bit obvious to me but can't think what else you are asking for:

Sign up with any of a huge number of brokers for a demo account - and simulate away with their trading platform.
well i have broker accounts but see... if you want to practice day trading a year's worth of days for a stock it takes a year from when you start. would be nice to have a backlog of days and have a program show me data for one day at a time without showing me the next day (so i cant cheat) so i could practice with that stock and get to know its fluctuations closely. and with the ability to fast forward you can get through lots of days fast without all the waiting etc.

such a thing may not exist; i don't know. it is surprising how little day trading software is availible considering how much interest there is in it and how much advice there is availible about it (both good and bad advice)
The closest thing I may suggest is back testing a particular strategy to see how it performs and tweak it as you see fit. Once you are confident you have something worth putting the effort into try on a live demo. If you feel like you have an edge, try the strategy with small amounts of capital. The important thing is to take your time with your development and have a solid understanding of risk management.