Data for FOREX Cash Markets


Junior member

Where can I download cash market data for the EUR/USD? Initially historical is fine, but a real-time feed is what i'm going to need going forward. Opentick would have been ideal with the API but it doesn't have FOREX... Any suggestions gratefully accepted!

How much historical data do you need ?
What format do you need it in ?
Which broker do you intend using ?

_code, cheers for the prompt reply - that should get me going.

Trader333, This may sound a bit silly to you but initially I don't intend using a broker, I would like to try my hand for small gains on the binaries. Ideally I intend to try and come up with some short term setups and when they present themselves get in on the binaries. To answer your other questions, a few months of historical will be fine in any format such as csv. Any real-data values / feed that I can import into a .NET Visual Basic application will be fine.
Hello shadowninja (a name I see all around this forum!),

Those livecharts are really good and I have been using them. Ultimately though I plan to need a datafeed where I can pipe data directly into my own custom program.

livecharts uses the copydukas site. I'm sure I've seen it turn up at a couple of other web sites as well in my search for online historic data.

It has a volume limiter that disables your IP address after a while, so it's not a resource that you can hammer indefinitely. They obviously don't want it to be used as an on-demand data feed which is fair enough.

The data's not perfect. It has the odd missed tick range here and there, but for what I'm doing, it's good enough.