FXCM explains its execution model, Dealing Desk gone


Junior member
Following my request for more information about FXCM’s execution model, Jacklyn Sales from was kind enough to write the following detailed explanation.

Many of us heard conflicting reports and stories about FXCM’s Dealing or Non Dealing desk due to some bias and much ignorance. It became time for FXCM to set the record straight and we learned officially what their model is:

Clarifications on FXCM’s Execution Models:
FXCM uses No Dealing Desk execution for our Standard accounts as well as other account types, such as Mini and Active Trader, which constitutes 90% of our trading volume. Every “No Dealing Desk” trade is executed back to back with one of the world’s premier banks or financial institutions, which compete to provide FXCM with bid and ask prices. The best spreads available to FXCM are streamed to traders with a small markup, which is generally one pip or less for major currency pa...

Interesting. goes to show that it's not normally the front end broker "stophunting" etc but is usually just underlying market movement (or one of the mm's doing it!)