4XP - 50% Bonus - Bo


Junior member
Hi there T2W,

I have recently come accross an offer on the web which seems too good to be true from an unknown broker:

4XP Investments & Trading

They claim that for deposit of $5,000 they will top up your account with an extra $2,500.

Sounds like a good trade to me; even if you don't like their platform you can open and then close your account for a 50% profit in a few days...

unless, you never get your money back !

Any feed back from 4XP guys ?
Just in case anyone takes my comments seriously I should clarify. This is an offshore retail forex company. You'll be lucky to get your 5000 back, never mind taking out your free money. I'm surprised anyone would fall for something this obvious but clearly they do. Just apply some common sense, who is going to give you 2500 for free? If a Nigerian Prince e mailed you and offered you £1 million if you just sent him £500 in advance for the tax would you fall for it?