I fixed my carpal tunnel syndrome in just two weeks!


Experienced member
Hey T2W fam! Have you incorporated any of these "superfoods" into your diet?

I did and it was NOT good for me:

spinach, almonds, chia seeds, dark chocolate, raspberries

The reason? Plant toxins there were well known for hundreds of years but over the last century forgotten. I dive deep into the surprising connection between these so-called superfoods and carpal tunnel among many other health issues.

As a trader, I understand the significance of optimal mental and physical well-being for peak performance. Join me on this enlightening journey as I share my personal experience of overcoming wrist pain by eliminating certain superfoods from my diet. This eye-opening exploration will make you rethink what you thought you knew about "healthy" foods.

Big thanks to people like Sally K Norton and her book Toxic Superfoods which are spreading awareness.

Stay healthy, curious, and make some awesome trades (including trading out foods in your diet)! 🌟

In case anyone is curious here's the video I made about it:
