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[DARWIN] KAJ by Shivank


Junior member
Hello Traders,

Throughout my trading journey, I've faced the common experience of burning through several accounts, amounting to around $1500. I believe many of you can relate to this struggle. As I delved deeper into the trading world, I encountered the term "investing the Hardway." This realization came from reading books like "Security Analysis: The Classic 1940 Edition" and "Trading in the Zone."

Currently, I've adopted a systematic investment plan (SIP) since December 2022. This plan is a combination of investment strategies and rules based on the principles of value investing. While I'm in the early stages of this endeavour with limited capital, I decided to create this thread to share my amateur learning experiences and to benefit from the insights and discussions within the t2w community.

To implement my strategies, I've opted for two brokers:

(1) Darwinex: This allows me to leverage the prize money from DarwinIA (hopefully).
(2) Interactive Brokers: This choice gives me access to a wider range of asset classes and shares.
I'm also providing a link to my portfolio and I'm eager to see snapshots of your portfolios and hear your comments. Currently, I'm holding three stocks (EOG, CTSH, and BIIB) due to my limited capital and the focus on risk management.

Looking forward to engaging with you all and growing together in our trading journeys.

Trading in 2023 was relatively good (after couple of failed attempts at Darwin). Managed to win one Darwinia (old edition) and got the "Good score" filter for first time and stayed just for brief period of time. Hopefully, will achieve it again. Looking forward to comments and critical assessment for fellow traders.

In general, I stick to the trading plan and strategy with risk management. However, I made couple of mistake (highlighted with red) where I shorted Nvidia and Apple with high leverage (out of pure intuition/greed and speculation) and lost money in both the counts. For 2024, my plan is to improve risk management to next level and be consistent with small gains (keep the greed out of play).

Happy Holidays and Best wishes for 2024!
KAJ has finally qualified for Darwinia Gold. The goal is to maintain disciplined trading. The major issue is investing in stocks through the Darwinex broker, as the holding period for these stocks spans several months, and swaps consume a significant portion of the profits. As a result, stocks aren't a suitable instrument to invest in on Darwinex. Therefore, I'll stop opening new positions and exit existing ones at favorable prices. Instead, I'll focus on investing in indices, particularly the S&P 500, with occasional strategic positions in forex.

I've seen significant improvement in trading discipline since my last update, maintaining a low-risk profile while achieving decent returns.

Hopefully, this progress will catch the attention of real investors, though I'm uncertain if the current track record is strong enough.
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