Climate Action = A New Tomorrow

Hi Guys & Gals.

Just checked our results for today.

What a wild week?

Not sure why my portfolio pics are showing up as humongous size when viewed in my tablet?

Kind of strange day to end a strange week on the stock exchange.

It was actually a nice quiet week here in rehab.

We went to play mini golf yesterday.

We all had a pretty good time & went out for slushee drinks after.

I can still putt pretty well & was able to make 2 hole in ones back 2 back.

We made a basil herb tomato cream Italian sausage penne pasta last night.

Mmmm. Turned out very good n tasty.

Lucky I am here & able to cook for everyone again.

I did have help from our nice n pretty lady staff named gracey.

She really was a great help & fun to cook with.

Should also thank our beautiful chef here Nivea.

She was able to order us all the ingredients so we could cook up some good eats.

We probably put out 20 to 30 servings of Italian sausage, pasta, broccoli & dinner rolls.

Folks are coming to visit tomorrow.

Might be able to get out to a local park for a walk & afternoon picnic?

Found a bbq joint named brite eyes in south Kalamazoo.

I will post up a few images of their awesome looking sammiches.

Should be a great day tomorrow.

Hope you are all doing well today.

Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.

Will message you all after we close for the day.

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I usually don’t watch much tv.

The news about another tornado outbreak was just reported.

It’s another really sad & frustrating day today.

Statistics are showing severe weather resulting in tornadoes are up almost double this year.

Lets help support our green energy movement & advocate for climate action together.
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For 20 years now, I’ve attempted to raise awareness about global warming & climate change.

Over 20 years offering simple suggestions we can all embrace to help save our people & planet.

My advice was simple, easy & free.

Harder you make something the more difficult it becomes to achieve.

Basic advice was intended to allow us all simple ways to achieve positive changes into our lives.

My goal was to help save our homes, lives & planet.

Easy positive changes were meant to help folks generate love, good health & wealth.

Sharing my voice here everyday took a lot of time & effort.

Saving our homes, lives & people became a passion.

Never once did I intend to deliver a negative, poor or misunderstood message.

If I could go back in time & rewrite some of my posts I definitely would.

In life I took a lot of steps & fell down a few times.

I kept getting back up tho & never gave up.

At least I was able to learn from all my mistakes.

When I pushed myself to do better sometimes i fell.

I would rather give it my best effort & fail then never try at all.

You play to win the game, but you will never win every game you play.

When I did fall in life, there were folks to help me back up.

Sometimes mistakes offer us all opportunities for growth.

I view the world as a really big family & we are all united together.

Please continue to support our green growth movement.

The world needs our help.

Have a nice evening.

Take Good Care.

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Rehabilitation is actually going really well in the big picture.

It’s been the longest I’ve been out of the hospital in over a year.

Im a law abiding citizen who has never hurt or harmed anyone.

A happy, healthy, nice, kind & peaceful human being is how I choose to live my life.

Dedicated over 20 years of my life towards positive changes & improving for my family.

Sharing my voice, life, family & message with the world was intended to help myself & my fellow people improve.

I believe in love, family & freedom for the world.

We are planning on a nice picnic in the park together as a family for our Saturday afternoon.

You know like a bbq, cooking some burgers, enjoying a nice lunch, taking a walk with our dog, getting some fresh air, sunshine & exercise.

My Dad worked really hard this whole week on a custom set of cornhole boards our whole recovery center can enjoy.
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I went to the mental health hospital over 150 times in 20 years to keep society safe?

Sometimes the voices recommend suicide & threaten me with homocide if I don’t kill myself?

There are insane asylums in place in society to protect us all.

Mental health facilities exsist to prevent folks in society from hurting each other or themselves.

Folks who are suicidal or homicidal are in need of help.

Hospitals exist to save people & stabilize folks so they don’t commit suicide or homocide.

I have agreed to stand trial for any crime.

I have agreed to take a lie detector test & answer any question truthfully.

I have agreed to jump off a bridge if I fail a lie detector test?

I have been lied to about taking a lie detector test!

My own father set me up at my local high school when I tried to prove my innocence.

Instead of taking a lie detector test I was detained & sent to a mental health facility.

My own Mother premeditated our family dog’s execution!?

It’s been 20 years of giving it my best effort to be there for family & prove myself innocent.

I believe the voices I hear to be completely insane.

For 20 years they have been lying to me.

For 20 years they have been lying to society.

For 20 years they have been lying to themselves.

I believe they are still lying & attempting to manipulate folks to break the law, hurt, harm or kill me!

What would you like me to do or write to earn an opportunity to a fair & speedy trial?

I should be innocent until proven guilty?

How am I supposed to prove myself innocent if you won’t allow me the chance to prove myself?

Why did you find me to be guilty without ever giving me a fair & speedy trial?

What would you like me to do in order to be set free?

You have caged me for 20 years both physically & mentally.

I have been terrorized now for over 7,000 days straight.

Over 20 years ago I didn’t think I could make it a week?

I used to weigh 180 pounds, exercise daily & be in great physical health.

I went over a year without brushing my own teeth because the terrorism was so bad in my brain?

You are all so insane you don’t even know it.

I believe you are the most evil people to ever walk the planet earth.

I never gave up on love, family or freedom.

I never give up.

I somehow find a way to remain happy, healthy, safe, sane, calm & stable.

7,000 days ago I was in East Lansing as a law abiding citizen focusing on completing my education.

Working full time & attempting to get back into school full time so I could finish my engineering degree at MSU?

I didn’t drink?

I didn’t do drugs?

I didn’t break the law?

You made a huge mistake over 7,000 days ago when you decided to start terrorizing me in my brain.

All I was focused on in life was work, family & school?

Minute after Minute.

Hour after Hour.

Day after Day.

Week after Week.

Month after Month.

Year after Year.

Decade after Decade.

You made a mistake.

You decided to torture me to death in an attempt to kill me instead of allow me an opportunity to finish school.

I didn’t make any mistake?

I wasn’t breaking the law?

I was minding my own business & attempting to finish my education.

I fought for love, fought for my life, fought for my family & fought for my freedom.

After over 20 years you are still making another mistake today.

You rob me of my mental freedom.

You violate my rights.

You invade my privacy.

You have been making a huge mistake all day every day now for over 20 years.

All I am attempting to do is rehabilitate myself so I can get back into school & work.

I spent the last year in the hospital because you wouldn’t leave me alone.

Please leave me alone.

Please set me free.

I deserve a chance to finish school.

I deserve an opportunity to work a career job.

My nieces & nephew deserve a cool uncle to share & spend life with.

If I were guilty I would have happily committed suicide over 20 years ago!
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It is against the law & fundamentally incorrect to hurt, harm or kill people.

If someone is threatening to kill you that is much different.

You have the right to defend yourself & protect your life through self defense.

There are insane asylums to treat people who become homicidal or suicidal so folks are safe in society.

Isn’t the goal to save people’s lives in the hospital?

My dream is to rebuild my life, help rebuild our government, save our fellow people & save our planet earth.

I’m not going to give up until I accomplish my goal.​
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We have a Constitution & Bill of Rights in America for a reason.

We fought a revolutionary war to free ourselves from Tyranny.

We established a democracy in a FREE country to ensure our government was there to serve & protect our people.

You have the right to a fair & speedy trial in America.

You are also innocent until proven guilty.

Our Constitution is there to protect society & prevent witch hunts.

The Bill of Rights also protects society from cruel & unusual punishment.

We have already fought wars to FREE our planet from Tyranny, Slavery & Genocide.

I did my best to survive for over 20 years of Tyranny, Terrorism & Mental Slavery.

Please believe in Love, Family & Freedom.

Search for Happiness for Humanity.

Please set me free.​
In my opinion Terrorism is Evil.

In my opinion Tyranny is Evil.

In my opinion Slavery is Evil.

In my opinion Genocide is Evil.

I am not alone in my beliefs or opinions.

I have the right & am entitled to my freedom of speech.

I have every right to speak freely, express myself & share my voice.​
I am a law abiding citizen & have done nothing wrong by sharing my voice here.

You have terrorized me for over 20 years & it’s time you set me free.

I would like to get back into school, finish my education & work a career job as a design engineer in the auto industry.

Please get some help.

You can start by admitting you made a mistake & tell the truth from now on.​
I understand some folks believe in the death penalty in the world.

Before you execute people allow them a fair & speedy trial so you don’t accidentally kill an innocent person?

If you were innocent of something you were falsely accused of, you would probably want a fair & speedy trial?

Please don’t assume someone is guilty of something before you give them a chance to prove themself or tell the truth?

If you believe in the death penalty please believe in humane ways to implement the death penalty like lethal injection.

Terrorizing someone nonstop for 5 minutes is evil in my opinion.

Torturing a human being to death all day every day for over 20 years is a truly awful act of mankind.

What you have done to me is the most evil thing I have ever heard of.

I believe you are full of misplaced hatred for humanity.

Terrorizing & torturing people to death slowly is the most pure evil act you could ever imagine.

My advice to you all would be to get some help & start telling the truth.

In the Bible it clearly states thou shalt not kill.

Killing people is really wrong.

My advice to you all would be to abide by the law.

If you believe in something that’s against the law, change the law before you act on it.

Terrorism, Tyranny, Slavery & Genocide are all really bad & some folks might find them to be pure evil?

When you abide by the law we have law & order.

When you do whatever you want whenever you want we have Tyranny.

We fought a revolutionary war to free ourselves from tyranny & form a free country called America.

Please do your best to keep all of America free & the world safe.

If you make a mistake in life it can be an opportunity to learn, grow & improve.

Please understand you are all on a witch hunt & have made a big mistake.

Please don’t compound the problem or make it worse.

Accept the fact that you made a mistake & please forgive me for being misunderstood here.

I have 4 nieces & a nephew that would miss me.

We can all learn & grow together.

Please attempt to keep the peace if possible.

I’m actually an innocent law abiding happy peaceful human being & American citizen.

I don’t believe in hurting or harming anyone.

Believe in achieving great success peace & prosperity for our fellow human beings on planet earth.

When I say let freedom reign it’s because I want to be free to design for the auto industry again.

I would like to be free to finish my education & work a career.

I want to be free of voices in my head so I can get out of my bedroom more & work on improving my social skills.

I am a free spirit & want to be free mentally.

Please let me be free so I can improve here & enjoy spending more time with folks in person.

I like everyone here at our center.

I enjoy being a part of our crew.

Please set me free.

I’m already unusual enough without voices.

Freedom from voices would allow me to work more on improving my people skills.

I’m free from drugs & drinking.

It’s been over 20 years of no privacy in my mind or in the bathroom?

For the love of God, please set me free.

Let freedom reign.

Let me be free.
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Apologize if I am misunderstood.

All I’m attempting to do is get everyone some much needed help.

I have told the voices I love them.

I have also told them my life is in their hands.

I’ve just been a big friendly giant along for the ride.

I really didn’t know what to do?

I still really don’t know exactly what to do?

You don’t have to like me or love me or accept my apology.

At least allow me a chance to prove my innocence?

I am actually innocent.

No one on earth is perfect anyway.

I forgive you all & only ask that you please forgive me.

We can all be happier, healthier human beings.​
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My folks are coming tomorrow for a visit at noon.

I need to get some sleep.

Hope everyone enjoys a nice weekend.​
Good Morning.

Not much sleep last night, but won't allow that to ruin a nice day today. My folks are coming in a few hours & we should all be able to enjoy a nice Saturday afternoon together as a family.

Staff is asking that I turn in my phone.

Everyone enjoy a nice Saturday morning.

Hi guys & gals.

My folks are on their way.

Hopefully they bring the family dog with to visit.

Unfortunately, the corn hole boards my dad spent all week making weren’t dry enough to bring.

They sent me a picture of the finished set which looks amazing.

They really look great.

Boards both appear to be nice & solid.

Looks like he did an excellent job designing & building them.

He went with a Detroit Lions theme.

They look awesome.

Let me post up a picture of them for you all to view.
Told you they look nice.

We might have to wait now for a few weeks before they get here.

Should be really nice way to spend some time with everyone once they do arrive.​
We are planning on picking up some bbq for lunch.

Might be able to enjoy some good bbq eats from a brewery & restaurant called bright eyes in South Kalamazoo.

Everything on the menu looks great & is reasonably priced.

Triple Smash Burger


Brisket Chili Dog & Fries

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Looking forward to a Nice Lunch with Family this afternoon.​