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      But they are not regulated. They are a scam outfit, and if you are not a shill (which I suspect you are) then you are being hoodwinked...
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      No they are not regulated, and look like bad news to me. I'd withdraw your funds and not look back if I were you
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      The Cube replied to the thread Overnight charges.
      I guess I'm really cautious when looking at brokers, but if it's working for you with no problems, great. This is what concerns me...
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      The Cube replied to the thread what should I do?.
      I see that they are now offering two different strategies, and claim they've never lost over the last 10 years. Wow must be worth 10...
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      The Cube reacted to MattK's post in the thread what should I do? with Haha Haha.
      Do they need more money to finish their website?)))
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      The Cube replied to the thread Overnight charges.
      CapitalCore is not a good broker. I would not suggest being lured in by the low costs
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      The Cube replied to the thread Overnight charges.
      Are you sure they are regulated? I think you need to exercise extreme cation with this broker.
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      I think it would be a terrible idea to launch straight into something like that. Apart from the fact they operate under a MLM...
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      The Cube replied to the thread what should I do?.
      I wish you the best of luck and hope it works for you. Will be interested to see how you get on. What persuaded you to go for it in...
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